- 土地与房地产
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)11-0057-06
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.11.009
- 项目基金:国家社会科学基金重大项目”城镇化对我国农业农村发展的影响与对策研究”(15ZDA021)的阶段性研究成果。
- 作者简介:王翀,北京师范大学地理科学学部资源学院本科生;
- 抑制小产权房的消费者风险分析模型构建与应用
- Consumer’s Risk Behavior Model: Modeling and Application to Control the Increase of Limited Property Housing
- 浏览量:
- 王翀 徐培玮 杨海慈 黄洁钰 孟天奇
- WANG Chong XU Peiwei YANG Haici HUANG Jieyu MENG Tianqi
- 摘要:
基于商品房价格过高的现状与小产权房风险性特点,将商品房和小产权房作为相互替代产品,创建消费者风险分析模型,探索利用市场手段治理小产权房。获取消费者对房屋设计与质量、基础设施、居住安全、居住环境和房价的满意度评价,分别计算小产权房和商品房居民的居住综合满意度,即实际效用值。结合消费者风险意愿,运用消费者风险分析模型推导出商品房的合理房价。实证研究选取北京市昌平区北七家镇小产权房和商品房社区进行居民问卷调查,分析得出主要结论:如以7分作为满分,商品房与小产权房的效用值分别是3.737与4.462;二者间居民消费风险意愿差异显著;基于小产权房市场价格推导出抑制小产权房销售的商品房临界房价 - 关键词:
消费者风险分析模型;小产权房;商品房;房价; - Abstract: Based on the fact that commercial housing is relatively expensive and limited property housing has high risk, we argued that two kinds of housings can be substituted by each other, and set up Consumer’s Risk Behavior Model to restrain limited property housing by marketing adjustment. We collected the satisfaction degrees of housing design and quality, infrastructure, residential environment, price of housings from residents, and calculated the integrated satisfaction degrees (the actual utility value) of commercial housing and limited property housing respectively. Considering the risk willingness of residents, we deduced a proper price of commercial housing with the help of Consumer’s Risk Behavior Model. The commercial housing and the limited property housing in Beiqijia town, Changping district, Beijing city are chosen as a case study of empirical research. Based on the questionnaire survey, the conclusions are derived as follows: the utility values of commercial housing and limited property housing are 3.737 and 4.462 respectively with a full score of 7; the risk willingness of the residents between both kinds of housings differs apparently. Depending on the current price of limited property housing, we infer the critical price of commercial housing to control the increase of limited property housing.
- Key words: Consumer’s Risk Behavior Model; limited property housing; commercial housing; housing price
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