- 城市公共交通发展策略研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)12-0030-08
- 中图分类号:U121 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.12.005
- 作者简介:杨磊,苏州大学,硕士研究生;
- 基于未确知测度的轨道交通沿线公交线网评价
- Evaluation of Bus Network along Rail Transit Based on Unascertained Measurement Model
- 浏览量:
- 杨磊 肖为周
- YANG Lei XIAO Weizhou
- 摘要:
常规公交与轨道交通的衔接协调性直接影响着现代城市公共交通系统的运行效率。线网评价能够把握轨道交通沿线公交线网的现状特性并为公交线网的规划和优化提供有益参考。本文从3个层面确定了公交线网的10项评价指标,并运用未确知测度模型获得评价结果。该模型建立了各指标的未确知测度函数,综合利用信息熵理论和层次分析法确定指标权重,按照置信度识别准则进行等级判定,实现了对苏州市轨道交通1号线沿线公交线网的综合评价。 - 关键词:
轨道交通;公交线网评价;未确知测度模型;信息熵;层次分析法; - Abstract: The coordination between conventional bus and rail transit directly affects the efficiency of public transport system. The evaluation of the bus network can help the policy better understand the characteristics of bus network along urban rail transit lines, and provide beneficial reference for alignment adjustment and optimization. Ten evaluation indices are selected from three aspects and the unascertained measurement model is used for the evaluation. The unascertained measurement function of every assessment index is obtained and the index weight is determined by information entropy theory and analytic hierarchy process. Grade judgment is conducted according to confidence recognition criteria. This model realizes the comprehensive evaluation on bus network along the rail transit and this method is applied to the evaluation of bus network along Suzhou Metro Line 1.
- Key words: rail transit; conventional bus network evaluation; unascertained measurement model; information entropy; analytic hierarchy process
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