- 土地与房地产
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)02-0114-06
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.02.016
- 作者简介:王子强,苏州设计研究院股份有限公司规划师;
- 弹性用地思想导向下的用地功能更新研究——以苏州工业园区为例
- Study on the Land Use Function to Update Ideas under the Guidance of Flexible Land Uses: A Case Study of Suzhou Industrial Park
- 浏览量:
- 王子强 祁鹿年
- WANG Ziqiang QI Lunian
- 摘要:
城市发展已进入了新常态,由外延式扩张向内涵式发展转变已成为业界的普遍共识。如何盘活存量用地资源,实现用地功能的有序更新也成为各方关注的焦点。探索弹性、灵活的编制方法,以主动的规划策略应对未来城市用地更新中遇到的不确定性问题,则显得尤为重要。论文从规划思路转变、规划应用以及实践探索3个层面切入,探析弹性用地是如何用最低的成本,实现用地功能的更迭,以适应灵活多变的市场化需求。 - 关键词:
弹性用地;用地更新;主动式更新; - Abstract: At present, urban development has entered a new norm, from the extension-type expansion to the connotation-oriented development, and it has become the industry's general consensus. How to revitalize the stock of land resources, to achieve the orderly function of land use has also become the focus of attention. It is very important to explore the flexible methods of preparation and take active planning strategies to deal with the uncertainties encountered in the future urban land renewal. The author analyzes the change from the planning thinking, the planning application and the practice exploration, and explores how the flexible land uses the lowest cost to realize the change of the land function to meet the flexible market demand.
- Key words: flexible land uses; used to update; the active update
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