- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)02-0068-08
- 中图分类号:F287.4 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.02.010
- 作者简介:雷妍(1992-),女,北京师范大学资源学院,土地资源管理专业研究生;
- 北京餐饮中华老字号的分类、空间格局以及消费者网络评价
- The Classification, Spatial Pattern and Consumer’s Network Evaluation of Time-honored Catering Brands in Beijing
- 浏览量:
- 雷妍 徐培玮
- LEI Yan XU Peiwei
- 摘要:
以大众点评网数据为基础,研究城六区老字号空间格局,建模分析消费者对老字号的网络评价。研究发现北京餐饮老字号可分为小吃和正餐两大类。小吃类集中分布在旧城,正餐类的分布随着城市规模扩张而向外围扩散。消费者评价主要受口味评价、人均消费额等变量控制,呈现出正餐类较高、小吃类较低的趋势。基于“口味”在评价中的重要性,推测小吃类综合评价低,是与部分消费者不适应老北京小吃的独特风味从而压低了对其口味评价有关。 - 关键词:
餐饮老字号;小吃类老字号;消费者评价;空间格局; - Abstract: Based on the data of the public comment network from dianping.com, this article studies the spatial pattern of the time-honored catering brands in Beijing’s main urban area, establishes a model and analyze consumers’ network evaluation of time-honored catering brands. Study shows that: time-honored catering brands in Beijing can be divided into two major categories, snacks and dinners. Snacks concentrated in the old city, and dinners diffuse with the expansion of the city. Consumer evaluation is mainly controlled by taste evaluate score, the amount of per capita consumption and so on, showing a trend of dinners with high evaluation, while snacks with low evaluation. Based on the importance of "taste" in the evaluation, it speculated that the unique flavor of the old Beijing snacks which consumers do not adapt to causes the consumer to score a low evaluation of the taste of the time-honored snack brands.
- Key words: time-honored catering brands; old Beijing snack restaurant; consumers’ evaluation; spatial pattern
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