- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)02-0076-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.02.011
- 项目基金:国家林业局“生态文明与美丽城乡建设创新管理体制构建”(编号:2016-R32);江苏省六大人才高峰项目“江苏省功能复合型现代农业景观模式与技术研究”(编号:NY-020);江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目“基于LID技术的湿地型道路绿化与雨洪管理研究”(编号:SJLX15_0401)。
- 作者简介:赵兵(1968-),男,汉族,浙江省杭州市人,南京林业大学教授,博导,研究方向为风景园林工程与技术,风景园林规划设计;
- 融入理水理念的江南水乡道路雨洪管理研究
- The Road Stormwater Management in the South of the Yangtze River Syncretized with the Notion of Dredging and Utilization of Water
- 浏览量:
- 赵兵 毛钦艺 韦薇 唐健
- ZHAO Bing MAO Qinyi WEI Wei TANG Jian
- 摘要:
快速但不健康的城镇化使得江南水乡城市内涝、缺水、水污染等问题并存,且日趋严重。江南水乡道路常沿河而设,路面雨水未经处理直接通过管渠排入周边河道,引发了严峻的雨洪管理问题。理水作为改善水体径流方式、促进自然水循环尤其是微循环的理念与方法,是中国特有的具有“生态智慧”的雨洪管理方法。本研究总结江浙地区经典园林理水案例的相关经验,提炼出“疏、引、阻、汇、净”的地域化理水手法、“梳理河水、绿地引水、生态理水、湿地净水”等基本流程。进而依据路面、道路两侧绿地和周边水系三者之间的竖向衔接关系,提出三种雨洪管理模式,巧借道路两侧绿地在路面与水系之间建立理水通道,设置引水溪流和人工湿地。从而形成由源头、中途、末端共同组成,具有中国地域特色和文化内涵的道路雨洪管理控制措施链。 - 关键词:
雨洪管理;理水;江南水乡道路;海绵城市; - Abstract: Fast but not healthy urbanization makes the urban waterlogging, water shortage and water pollution problems in the south of the Yangtze River coexist, and become increasingly serious. The road stormwater in the south of the Yangtze River, which often develops along the river, is discharged into the surrounding river channel without treatment directly, causing a severe stormwater management problems. As a method of improving water runoff and promoting natural water circulation, especially microcirculation, water management is a unique rainwater management method with “ecological wisdom” in China. This study summarizes the relevant experience of classic garden water treatment cases in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, and covers the regional chemical water maneuvering methods of “dredge, guide, resistance, sink and purify”, “combing river water, green water diversion, ecological water management and wetland water purification”. Based upon the vertical connection between road, greenbelt on both sides of the road and the surrounding water system, three kinds of rainwater management modes are proposed. By means of greenbelt on both sides of the road, water channel is set up between the road and water system, and artificial wetland. A chain of rainwater management and control measures are composed of source, midway and end together with Chinese regional characteristics and cultural connotations.
- Key words: stormwater management; dredging and utilization of water; road in the South of the Yangtze River; sponge city
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