- 土地与房地产
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)03-0103-09
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.03.016
- 项目基金:江苏省国土资源科技项目(2016STGT006)。
- 作者简介:张兰,中国矿业大学环境与测绘学院;
- 财政分权、地方政府竞争与工业用地利用效率——基于广东省地级市层面的实证研究
- Fiscal Decentralization, Local Government Competition and Industrial Land Use Efficiency:Evidence from the Municipalities in Guangdong Province
- 浏览量:
- 张兰 汪应宏 徐春鹏 王健 彭山桂
- ZHANG Lan WANG Yinghong XU Chunpeng WANG Jian PENG Shangui
- 摘要:
以广东省为例,利用2007-2013年地级市层面的面板数据,采用C-D生产函数模型和面板数据计量经济学模型,从财政分权和地方官员晋升考核机制两个制度因素视角对工业用地利用效率进行考察。结果表明:以分税制为代表的财政分权和以晋升锦标赛为特征的地方政府竞争均对工业用地利用效率产生负向影响;由于两者内在的交互影响,财政分权加剧了地方政府竞争对工业用地利用效率的负向作用强度,这些结果在分别将其他控制变量加入模型时均稳健成立。调整中央—地方政府间财权—事权不对等的局面,改变集中于财政增收和经济增长的政绩考核方式是改善工业用地利用效率的可行制度安排。 - 关键词:
工业用地;利用效率;财政分权;地方政府竞争;广东省; - Abstract: From the two institutional levels of fiscal decentralization and officials promoting and appraisal systems, this essay investigates the industrial land use efficiency. It adopts the C-D production function model and panel data model to calculate the industrial land use efficiency of Guangdong province from 2007 to 2013. In the meanwhile, it makes an empirical study on the internal relationship between fiscal decentralization, local government competition and industrial land use efficiency. The results show that: Firstly, the fiscal decentralization represented by the tax sharing system and the local government competition with the characteristics of the political promotion tournament both have negative effects on industrial land use efficiency; Secondly, because of the internal relation between the two factors, fiscal decentralization has intensified the effect of local government competition on industrial land use efficiency, the results are robust when the other variables are added to the model. Therefore, adjusting the structure of financial–administrative power between the central and local government, changing the performance evaluation method which focuses on the fiscal revenues and economic growth are some feasible institutional arrangements.
- Key words: industrial land; utilization efficiency; fiscal decentralization; local government competition; Guangdong province
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