- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)04-0110-05
- 中图分类号:C924.24 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.04.017
- 项目基金:教育部人文社会科学研究新疆项目“南疆流动人口对民族关系影响的调查研究”(编号:14XJJCZH001)。
- 作者简介:张长江(1976-),男,硕士,塔里木大学经济与管理学院教师,研究方向:人口及公共人力资源管理;
- 新疆南疆流动人口就业稳定性的影响因素分析
- Analysis on the Influencing Factors of Floating Population’s Employment Stability in Southern Xinjiang
- 浏览量:
- 张长江 晁伟鹏
- ZHANG Changjiang CHAO Weipeng
- 摘要:
在诸多学者研究的基础上,从“就业时间”和“劳动合同签订”两个维度对“就业稳定性”进行了界定,利用样本调研数据对影响南疆流动人口就业稳定性的个体特征、就业特征、雇主特征三大类13个自变量进行了Logistic回归模型的多因素对照研究,结果显示,汉族、城镇组、已婚有子女组、35~44岁组、月收入7000~7999元组流动人口的就业稳定性较高,而“租住房”组、“农户”组、“中外合资”组、“与当地居民相处一般”组流动人口的就业稳定性较差。 - 关键词:
南疆;流动人口;就业稳定性;Logistic回归模型; - Abstract: Based on lots of researches, this paper defined “employment stability” in two dimensions - “employment period” and “signing status of labor contract”. Using the sampled data, this paper made a multi-factor comparison analysis based on Logistic regression model on the influencing factors (which are divided into three categories-personal characteristics, employment characteristics, employers’ characteristics and 13 independent variables) that affect the employment stability of Southern Xinjiang’s floating population. The results showed that, the group of Han nationality, coming from urban, “married with children”, the age ranging from 35~44 years old, monthly income of 7000~7999 RMB have the higher employment stability, while the following groups have the lower employment stability: renting a house, working as a farmer, working in a joint venture company, having a normal relations with the local residents.
- Key words: Southern Xinjiang; floating population; employment stability; Logistic regression model
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