- 土地与房地产
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)04-0059-09
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.04.010
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金(41171441):城乡统筹视角下的矿区工业废弃地再利用研究;教育部人文社科基金青年基金(16YJCZH001):物权视角下单位大院街区化的动力机制及空间响应模式研究;江苏省节能与建造技术协同中心开放基金(SJXTQ1612):基于空间结构绩效的老工业区用地潜力评价及布局优化研究。
- 作者简介:邓元媛,中国矿业大学建筑与设计学院建筑学系,江苏建筑节能与建造技术协同中心,副教授;
- 自组织视角下老工业区土地利用潜力评价研究——以徐州市鼓楼区为例
- Land Potential Evaluation in Old Industrial Areas from the Perspective of Self-organization:A Case Study of Gulou District of Xuzhou City
- 浏览量:
- 邓元媛 常江 杨帆
- DENG Yuanyuan CHANG Jiang YANG Fan
- 摘要:
目前土地利用潜力评价中对于理想土地利用状态的描述多囿于人为的主观意愿。本文尝试引入自组织视角,以潜力评价体现对城市内在发展规律的遵循为目标,借助GIS数据处理平台和空间句法分析技术,对潜力评价的理论依据和技术方法进行研究。通过对自组织规律影响下的空间可达性与土地利用密度之间的契合关系进行剖析,在潜力评价的研究单元划分、指标筛选、模型建构等方面进行新的尝试。以徐州市鼓楼区为例,对研究区潜力用地的分布及特征进行分析,进而提出针对性的空间发展决策建议,以期为相关研究提供借鉴。 - 关键词:
自组织;老工业区;土地利用潜力评价;GIS;空间句法; - Abstract: The current ideal state description in land use potential evaluation is confined to the wishes of the government. In order to fit the implementation of internal rules of planning and city development, this paper is introduced from the perspective of self-organization. With the help of GIS data processing platform and spatial syntactic parsing technology, theoretical basis and technical method of land potential evaluation is studied. By analyzing the influence of the self-organization on the relationship between the spatial accessibility and the density of land use, a set of research methods is formed, which is attempted to make a new principle in unit division, evaluation index selection, model construction and other aspects. Taking the Gulou district of Xuzhou city as an example, the paper discussed the distribution and characteristics of potential land use and gave some suggestions for space development.
- Key words: self-organization; old industrial area; land potential evaluation; GIS; space syntax
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