- 治理视角的社区规划与发展
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)05-0025-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.05.004
- 作者简介:周俊,浙江省城乡规划设计研究院高级规划师;
- 社区治理对半城市化地区更新规划的启示与实践——温州柳市旧城规划个案研究
- Enlightenment and Practice of Applying the Theory of Community Governance for the Renewal Planning in Peri-Urbanized Area: A Case Study of Liushi, Wenzhou
- 浏览量:
- 周俊 黄幼朴 黄勤
- 摘要:
半城市化地区属城乡过渡型社区类型,具有政府与社区“共治”和“共建”的特征,自上而下的规划方法并不能从根本上促进半城市化地区向城市化地区顺利转变。以温州柳市旧城为例,从社区治理视角提出半城市化地区更新规划思路,一是规划理念上要从空间管控到促进多元共治转变,二是规划建设方式上要从政府主建到多元主体共建转变,以形成城市规划与社会管理相统一、政府和社区相协同的更新规划新路径。 - 关键词:
社区治理;半城市化地区;更新规划;温州模式; - Abstract: The peri-urbanized area is urban-rural transitional community, characterized by the co-governance and co-construction of the city government and community. The top-down planning methods can’t promote the transition of peri-urbanized area to urbanized area. According to the concept and requirement of community governance, renewal planning of the peri-urbanized area should make two changes: change from spatial control to promoting co-governance, change from government-led construction to co-construction of the government and community. Taking Liushi town in Wenzhou as a case, this article attempts to connect the urban planning with the social management and build a rule transition mechanism between the community and the government, so as to form the new path of the renewal planning in peri-urbanized area.
- Key words: community governance; peri-urbanized area; renewal planning; Wenzhou mode
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