- 治理视角的社区规划与发展
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)05-0031-07
- 中图分类号:TU984.3 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.05.005
- 作者简介:高沂琛,浙江大学建筑工程学院城市规划与设计研究所博士生;李王鸣,浙江大学建筑工程学院城市规划与设计研究所教授、博士生导师。
- 日本内生型社区更新体制及其形成机理——以东京谷中地区社区更新过程为例
- Organization System of Machitsukuri and its Formation Mechanism in Japan: A Case Study on Yanaka, Tokyo
- 浏览量:
- 高沂琛 李王鸣
- GAO Yichen LI Wangming
- 摘要:
内生型社区更新是一种以地方特色资源为基础的自下而上的社区更新模式,在日语中称为“まちづくり(machitsukuri)”。这类社区更新模式得以持续运作的关键是建立一个有效的社区更新体制,即多个利益群体之间良好的协作机制。本文以东京谷中地区社区更新过程为例,着重分析其社区更新体制的建立过程,并进一步剖析体制形成的思想基础、组织基础、技术支持、制度支撑以及资金保障。最后结合我国实际情况,探讨现行体制下对我国社区更新的启示。 - 关键词:
内生型社区更新;日本;社区更新体制;机理;东京谷中地区; - Abstract: Machitsukuri means a bottom-up community development mode based on local specialties in Japanese. An effective organization system, which means good collaboration among multi stakeholders in the process of machitsukuri, is the essential to sustain such kind of community development. This article takes the community development of Yanaka, Tokyo as an example, to focus on the formation of its organization system, and to analyze the formation mechanism in respect of ideological foundation, organizational foundation, technical support, institutional support and financial security. Finally, by taking the issues of China’s practice into account, this article trends to explore some reference to our community development in current institutional environment.
- Key words: machitsukuri; Japan; organization system of machitsukuri; mechanism; Yanaka
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