- 城市发展战略
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)05-0100-06
- 中图分类号:F291 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.05.014
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(41671536);国家自然科学基金项目(41501134);河南省科技发展计划项目(152102310296)。
- 作者简介:沈威(1991-),河南大学环境与规划学院硕士研究生,研究方向为城市—区域综合发展;
- 基于时间序列的郑州市城市人口—面积异速生长特征及预测
- An Allometric Analysis and Prediction of the Scaling Relations between Population and Land Area of Zhengzhou Based on Time Series
- 浏览量:
- 沈威 周鹏超 杜巧艳 鲁丰先 刘敏
- SHEN Wei ZHOU Pengchao DU Qiaoyan LU Fengxian LIU Min
- 摘要:
研究目的:揭示近年郑州城市人口与建成区土地面积规模的发展特征与规律,为城市人地协调发展和城市边界扩展的划定提供一定的理论支撑。研究方法:本文运用异速生长模型从城市整体角度对1981-2015年间郑州城市人口—面积异速生长关系进行测度,然后运用Logistic函数对未来十年郑州城市人口和面积规模进行预测,为郑州市未来城市规模确定和人地协调发展提供支持。结果表明:(1)从整体宏观角度来看,二者符合异速生长关系且阶段特征明显;其中,1981-2002年,市区人口和建成区面积呈现稳定缓慢增长态势,标度指数b=1.12;2003年由于郑东新区建设导致建成区面积大幅增加,标度指数b上升至1.66;2010年后市区人口进入快速增长期,标度指数下降至1.52;总体上一直高于理论值0.85。(2)Logistic预测结果表明郑州城市人口与建成区面积最大值分别为945.58万人和790.42km2,从长远来看这个结果是可信的;未来十年二者异速生长标度指数b=1.0387,比较接近理论值;2025年城市人口753万人,建成区面积709km2,人均建成区面积94.2m2,城市用地较为集约。研究结论:在城市化进程中,地方政府应根据城市发展的自然规律合理供给城市建设用地,注重城市发展质量,推动人口、土地协调发展,提高城市土地利用率。 - 关键词:
异速生长;Logistic模型;人地关系; - Abstract: The purpose of this study is to reveal the development characteristics and laws of the urban population and the land area in Zhengzhou in recent years, and provide some theoretical support for the coordinated development of urban land and the delimitation of urban boundary. In this paper, we use the allometric growth model to measure the population growth rate of urban population in Zhengzhou from 1981 to 2015, and then use Logistic function to forecast the population and area of Zhengzhou city in the next ten years. The future scale of the city is to determine the development and coordination to provide support. The results show that: (1) From the overall macroscopic point of view, the two meet the allometric growth relationship and the stage characteristics are obvious. Among them, from 1981 to 2002, the urban population and the built area showed steady and slow growth trend, the scale index b = The scale index b rose to 1.66, and the scale index dropped to 1.52 after the urban population in 2010, and the index was consistently higher than the theoretical value of 0.85. In 2003, the scale index rose to 1.66. (2) Logistic prediction results show that the maximum urban population and built-up area in Zhengzhou are 945.58 million and 790.42 km2 respectively. The results are credible in the long run. In the next decade, the two-dimensional growth scale index b = 1.0387, relatively close to the theoretical value; in 2025 urban population will be 7.53 million people, built area 709 km2, per capita built-up area 94.2m2. Conclusion: In the process of urbanization, the local government should supply the urban construction land according to the natural law of urban development, pay attention to the quality of urban development, promote the coordinated development of population and land, and improve the urban land use rate.
- Key words: allometric growth; logistic model; land-human relationship
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