  • 城市建设
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)06-0070-07
  • 中图分类号:TU984    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.06.010
  • 项目基金:国家自然科学基金面上项目(41571152);国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(41201159,41201160);国家科技支撑计划课题(2008BAH31B06);中国科学院重点部署项目(KSZD-EW-Z-021);中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院重大咨询项目(Y02015005)。
  • 作者简介:谭俊涛(1988-),男,山东青岛人,中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所,中国科学院大学,博士研究生,主要从事城市与区域发展研究; 刘文新,中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所助理研究员; 张平宇(1966-),通讯作者,男,吉林柳河人, 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所研究员,博导,副所长,研究方向为城市与区域发展; 李静,中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所助理研究员。
  • 城市老工业区搬迁改造评价思路与方法
  • Evaluation Framework and Methods of Reconstruction Performance of Urban Old Industrial Zone
  • 浏览量:
  • 谭俊涛 刘文新 张平宇 李静
  • TAN Juntao LIU Wenxin ZHANG Pingyu LI Jing
  • 摘要:
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: The Chinese government has been fully implementing the plan of reconstruction of urban old industrial area since 2014. Therefore, how to evaluate the performance of reconstruction scientifically became an urgent problem. This article summarized the process of reconstruction of urban old industrial zone and its relevant policies, and then proposed the evaluation framework and methods. The reconstruction performance included the implementation process and implementation effect aspects. The evaluation of implementation process mainly focused on the major industrial enterprises relocation, cultivating new industries and other seven major tasks and its related projects. In this process, the expected outputs method is used to evaluate the achievement of target. Using the methods of expected output impact, comprehensive evaluation, input and output efficiency and questionnaires, the article evaluated the implementation effect. Finally, taking Jilin province as an example, the article evaluated the reconstruction performance of urban old industrial area, and we found that the reconstruction of urban old industrial area has made great achievement, but the reconstruction of large enterprises was not completed in time. Furthermore, we have formulated several recommendations to facilitate urban reconstruction in old industrial area.
  • Key words: urban old industrial zone; urban reconstruction; evaluation methods
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