- 城市土地集约利用研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)06-0033-06
- 中图分类号:F293.2 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.06.005
- 项目基金:中国人民大学科学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金)资助项目(14XNI001)。
- 作者简介:杨红,女,博士,国土资源部土地整治中心研究员,主要研究方向为土地资源利用与评价、土地整治研究;
- 城市居住用地整治效益评价指标与方法——以河北省邢台市为例
- Evaluation for Consolidation Benefits of Residential Lands in Xingtai City of Hebei Province
- 浏览量:
- 杨红 张正峰 徐银东
- YANG Hong ZHANG Zhengfeng XU Yindong
- 摘要:
开展城市居住用地整治效益评价,不仅可以丰富土地整治领域理论研究内容,而且对于促进土地节约集约利用,推动城市用地的可持续发展,具有重要的现实意义。本文采用理论分析与专家咨询相结合的方法、GIS分析法、协调度模型,以河北省邢台市为例,评价了城市居住用地整治效益。研究结果表明:(1) 城市居住用地整治效益评价指标可以从居住用地整治的经济、社会、生态和环境效益4个方面构建; (2) 城市居住用地整治效益评价单元宜以宗地作为评价单元;(3) 对邢台市居住用地整治效益评价结果显示全市总体上居住用地整治效益评价协调度均大于0.7,说明经过整治后,邢台市居住用地整治效益系统比较协调,整治后的经济、社会、生态和环境效益可以达到某种程度的协调发展,整治区域的综合效益比较高。研究结论:居住用地整治改变了用地结构与利用效率,改变了基础设施与公共设施的完善程度,也改变了用地的环境,这些变化会对区域发展产生重要影响。 - 关键词:
城市居住用地;经济效益;社会效益;评价指标;协调度; - Abstract: Consolidation benefits evaluation of residential lands can enrich the theory of land consolidation and is important foundation for the selection of consolidation projects. It is also important for accelerating intensive and economical utilization of land resources and promoting sustainable development of residential land. GIS analysis and coordinate coefficient models were employed in the paper. The results are shown below. 1)The consolidation benefits of residential lands are an comprehensive assembly of economical benefits, social benefits, ecological benefits and environmental benefits. The evaluating indices for consolidation benefits were quantified by the appropriate method based on defining index connotation. 2) The residential parcel is suitable as the evaluating unit. 3) The evaluation result showed that the coordination degree was greater than 0.7, which represented the land use system was coordinating relatively after consolidation. It concludes that the residential consolidation changes the land use structure, land use efficiency, the perfection degree of the infrastructure and public utilities.And these changes could have an important effects on the regional development.
- Key words: residential land; economical benefits; social benefits; evaluation index; coordination degree
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