- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)06-0092-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.06.013
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(51008156、51378010、51108267);上海市艺术科学规划项目(2015F06)。
- 作者简介:王江波,南京工业大学,副教授;
- 公共中心型地铁站域地下空间综合开发水平评价方法研究——以大连为例
- Study on the Evaluation Method of Comprehensive Development Level of Underground Space in Public Center Metro Station:A Case Study of Dalian
- 浏览量:
- 王江波 高明超 苟爱萍
- WANG Jiangbo GAO Mingchao GOU Aiping
- 摘要:
面对我国城市中心区日益突出的用地紧张、交通拥堵等问题,地下空间的开发成为城市进一步拓展的重要方向。如何科学地综合开发地下空间,可以从地下空间开发水平评价体系入手展开相应研究。本文研究构建了公共中心型地铁站域地下空间综合开发水平评价方法,并通过实证应用进行示范性评价操作,全面分析了大连该类地下空间的开发水平,深入分析了现状的不足,为大连未来地下空间的建设提出了指导性建议。 - 关键词:
地铁站域;地下空间;综合开发水平;评价方法;公共中心; - Abstract: In the face of the increasingly prominent land shortage, traffic congestion and other problems in China, the development of underground space has become an important direction of city development. How to develop the underground space scientifically? We can start the study on the evaluation system of the underground space development level. In this paper, a comprehensive evaluation method of the underground space in public center metro station is constructed. Demonstration evaluation operation through empirical application. The development level of this kind of underground space in Dalian is analyzed comprehensively. The shortage of the current situation is analyzed, and the suggestions for the construction of the underground space in the future are put forward.
- Key words: metro station; underground space; comprehensive development level; evaluation method; public center
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