- 城市建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)07-0046-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.07.007
- 作者简介:章征涛(1985-),重庆大学博士,广东省珠海市规划设计研究院,注册规划师,研究方向:城市规划与设计;
- 带条件土地出让模式的城中村改造实践——以珠海沥溪和福溪村改造为例
- Urban Village Renewal Practice in Zhuhai from Land Leasing Mode with Conditions:Taking Lixi Village and Fuxi Village as Examples
- 浏览量:
- 章征涛 李和平 祁蕊
- ZHANG Zhengtao LI Heping QI Rui
- 摘要:
在对土地出让制度的演进和逻辑梳理的基础上,认为通过“价高者得”经营性土地依赖招拍挂的出让模式促进了土地资源的市场化配置,并支撑了地方土地财政。但是,随着城市存量开发转向,当前出让方式仍容易陷入经济效益的窠臼。因此,探索存量土地出让方式的突破成为关键。本文以珠海沥溪和福溪村改造中采用的“带条件出让”为例,总结了该项目的基本情况,实施主体转变,并对改造结果进行了评价。 - 关键词:
存量开发;土地出让模式;带条件土地出让;城中村改造;珠海; - Abstract: On the basis of the analysis of the evolution of land transfer system, the paper indicates that land transfer auction using “the highest bidder” can promote marketing allocation in state-owned land source, as well as support the local land finance. However, under the background of turning to stock development, using the mode of “the highest bidder” in land transfer will make cities sink into the stereotype of paying more attention to the economic benefit while ignoring the whole benefit of the city. Therefore, exploration of the innovation of land transfer mode became the key in stock land development. In this paper, we use the example of “land transfer with conditions” in Lixi village and Fuxi village at Zhuhai. After that, the paper describes the basic situation of the project, the social and economic background, as well as the renewal practice.
- Key words: stock development; land transfer mode; land transfer with conditions; urban villages renewal; Zhuhai
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