- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)08-0058-06
- 中图分类号:F284 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.08.010
- 作者简介:李箭飞,广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院,规划四所所长,高级工程师,注册城市规划师;
- 基于对口援建规划特征的编制应对——基于援建规划编制类型与特征的梳理
- Planning Strategies of Construction Aid Project Based on Characteristics of Aid Project: Theory Combing of Types and Characteristics of Construction Aid Projects
- 浏览量:
- 李箭飞 许世光
- LI Jianfei XU Shiguang
- 摘要:
对口援建是中国区域发展不平衡背景下的阶段性产物,具有鲜明的特点。针对当前援建类型,廓清援建规划的内涵与外延,认为援建规划是区域发展不平衡或突发巨灾后为了促进区域发展平衡、迅速完成灾后重建工作而提出的以重点项目建设为目标的特殊规划类型,它具有规划主体多元化、主体协调难度大、以落实项目为核心、需要兼顾“输血”与“造血”、特定规划建设时限和突出近期建设效果等特征。基于现有研究和实践提出援建规划应制定面向实施的规划组织机制和落实重点的技术路线,重视公共设施与产业发展,实施多方协调的公共参与,提出分期建设、凸显项目实施的行动计划。 - 关键词:
对口援建;援建规划;突发巨灾;公众参与; - Abstract: Construction Aid Project is the product of regional unbalanced development of China. It has vivid characteristic. This paper makes clear the concept of Construction Aid Project. It has the characteristic of muti-subject, making the implementation of the project as the core, giving consideration to ‘Blood Transfusion’ and ‘Hematopoiesis’, and defining limit of construction and recent effect, etc. Based on recent research and practices, this paper proposes that planning of Construction Aid Project should make planning organizing system of implementation, care for both of the public infrastructure and industry, take consideration of public participation, take stage constructions and value the action plan.
- Key words: Construction Aid Project; Planning of Construction Aid Projects; sudden catastrophe; public participation
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