- 城市建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)08-0115-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.08.018
- 项目基金:本文受山东交通学院博士科研启动金资助。
- 作者简介:楚金华(1978-),男,湖南汨罗人,教授,管理学博士,山东交通学院国际商学院院长,主要研究领域为城市信息化和电子商务。
- 我国智慧城市建设研究述评
- Reviews on the Studies Concerning Smart Cities Construction in Our Country
- 浏览量:
- 楚金华
- CHU Jinhua
- 摘要:
以CNKI收集的我国学术界关于智慧城市相关研究文献为基础,采用MCA(多维相关分析法)从理论、战略、技术和城市管理四个导向对所收集的文献进行归类分析,认为我国理论界对智慧城市定义已基本统一、研究框架逐渐成熟、建设架构基本明晰,但现有研究框架弱化了城市主体地位、忽略了智慧城市推广、运营及商业模式等方面的研究,提出了智慧城市跨学科研究、运营和商业模式研究及需求分析研究三大发展方向。 - 关键词:
智慧城市;大数据;物联网;商业模式;城市治理; - Abstract: Based on the related essays collected by CNKI, the author used MCA method to analyze these essays and classify them into several main types from the four angles of theory, strategy, technology and city management. It pointed out that the theoretical research area has nearly reached an agreement in the definition of smart cities, the research framework has gradually become mature, and the construction mode has become clear in the smart city area in our country. However, the dominant role of city itself has been neglected in current research articles together with the promoting, operating and business modes of smart cities. Finally, it put forward that the interdisciplinary research, operation and business mode research as well as demands research would be the three main potential tendencies for the studies on smart cities.
- Key words: smart city; big data; internet of things; business mode; city governance
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