- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)08-0108-07
- 中图分类号:X3 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.08.017
- 项目基金:国家社会科学重点基金项目“低碳城市建设评价指标体系”(批准号:15AZD025)。
- 作者简介:申立银,重庆大学建管学院,教授,博导;
- 中国低碳城市研究现状的文献计量学分析——基于共词聚类法和战略坐标图
- Bibliometrics Analysis on Research Status of Low Carbon Cities in China: Based on the Co-Word Clustering Method and the Strategic Coordinates
- 浏览量:
- 申立银 杜小云 李天坤 郭振华
- SHEN Liyin DU Xiaoyun LI Tiankun GUO Zhenhua
- 摘要:
低碳城市的研究成为热门话题,其现有研究呈现出庞杂、散乱的态势,缺乏总结性的文章来梳理该领域研究现状。本文对198个中文核心和CSSCI期刊中低碳城市相关文献的关键词进行整理得到高频关键词。通过运用EXCEL软件得出共词矩阵,然后整理出相异矩阵和相似矩阵;运用SPSS软件,将共词得到的相异矩阵进行聚类分析,按类团展示中国低碳城市的研究近况;最后绘制战略坐标图,显示不同研究的地位。通过上述研究,可以清晰直观地给学术研究者展示低碳城市研究的现状,以便低碳实践者快速准确地收集低碳城市的信息。 - 关键词:
低碳城市;共词聚类分析法;战略坐标图; - Abstract: Low carbon city research has become a hot topic, and the research has presented a complex and scattered situation. However, there is a lack of comprehensive review on the existing studies in this discipline field of research. The research data used in this paper are collated from the articles on the low carbon city in 198 journals which are Chinese core and the Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI) journals. The high frequency keywords (HFK) in these research articles are identified from these 198 journals. These HFKs are further examined by using EXCEL software, and the co-word matrix, similar matrix and dissimilarity matrix are built. Furthermore, by using SPSS software, HFKs are classified into 14 clusters of low carbon city in China. These clusters show the status of the existing studies on low carbon cities in China. By mapping the strategic coordinates, we know the location of different classes. The understanding on the research status of the discipline of low carbon city in China can provide valuable references to make both researchers and practitioners get a better grasp of low carbon city study status.
- Key words: low carbon city; co-word clustering analysis method; strategic coordinate
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