- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)08-0099-09
- 中图分类号:K901;C912.81 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.08.016
- 项目基金:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2014205020205);国家基础科学人才培养基金项目(J1103409)。
- 作者简介:岳邦佳(1994-),男,河南开封人,武汉大学资源与环境科学学院硕士研究生,主要研究方向为城市地理与GIS应用;
- 基于2SFCA的武汉市低收入者公园绿地可达性分析
- The Analysis of Low-Income People's Park Green Space Accessibility Based on 2SFCA in Wuhan
- 浏览量:
- 岳邦佳 林爱文 孙铖
- YUE Bangjia LIN Aiwen SUN Cheng
- 摘要:
城市公园绿地为购物娱乐设施消费能力较低的低收入者提供休息、交往、游乐的免费活动场所,满足了人们的精神文化需求。以武汉市公园绿地为研究对象,运用两步移动搜索法(2SFCA)计算研究区内低收入者基于步行、自行车、公交三种交通方式下的公园绿地可达性。采用皮尔森相关系数、洛伦兹曲线和区位熵的方法,分析公园绿地分布和低收入人口的相关性和空间匹配程度及格局。研究结果表明:(1)三种交通方式下研究区内街道的公园可达性差异较大,呈现出低收入群体内部两极分化的特征;(2)公园绿地可达性与低收入人口分布呈现较弱的负相关关系,在公园绿地规划布局选址时没有把低收入人口的出行便捷程度考虑在内;(3)基于公交交通方式下研究区内公园绿地分布和低收入人口分布呈现出空间匹配的格局,而中心城区低收入人口集聚的街道基于步行方式公园可达性较差,需要在这些区域增加规划公园绿地及其之间的绿色廊道来实现区域公平。 - 关键词:
武汉;低收入者;公园绿地;可达性;两步移动搜索法; - Abstract: City park green space provide free stage for low-income people who have low shopping and entertainment facilities consumption ability to rest, communicate and play, satisfying people's spiritual and cultural needs. Treating Wuhan city park green space as the research object, the paper uses 2SFCA to calculate the park green space accessibility based on walking, bicycle, pubic transport these three kinds of modes. The Pearson correlation coefficient and Lorenz curve and the method of location entropy are used to analysis the matching degree and spatial matching pattern between park green space and low-income population spatial distribution. Results demonstrate that: (1)Streets’ park accessibilities based on three kinds of transport modes exist very big difference,only the accessibility of minority regions along the river under three ways is good, while the difference between accessibility of central urban area based on walking, bicycle transportation is very big, showing the characteristics of internal polarization of low-income groups. (2)The relationship exists between park green space accessibility and low-income population distribution is weakly negative correlation, while the travel convenience degree of low-income people isn't taken into account when city selects the planning and layout of park green space. (3)Park green space distribution and low-income population distribution present the spatial matching pattern based on public transportation, while streets in the central urban area where low-income population aggregate have low accessibility based on walking, the city planning need to aggrandize park green space in these area to realize regional fairness.
- Key words: Wuhan; low-income people; park green space; accessibility; 2SFCA
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