- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)08-0052-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.08.009
- 作者简介:王超深(1985-),男,西安建筑科技大学建筑学院城乡规划学博士研究生,注册城市规划师,主要研究方向:城乡规划理论与方法;
- 大中城市总体规划人口预测的几个问题及反思——以四川省17个地级市为例
- Study on the Population Forecast Problem of Large and Medium-sized Cities in Master Planning:A Case Study of the 17 Prefecture-level Cities in Sichuan Province
- 浏览量:
- 王超深 张沛
- WANG Chaoshen ZHANG Pei
- 摘要:
在土地财政的“绑架”下,城市总体规划中人口预测规模普遍存在偏大的问题,评估了省域城镇体系规划制定的人口规模对下层次城市总规编制的指导效果,发现2000年左右编制的省域城镇体系规划对城镇化率预测普遍偏低,且编制时间与下层次城市总规修编时间交叉,在下层次城市总规编制过程中,省域城镇体系规划制定的目标没有起到指导与约束作用。进而以四川省17个地级市为例,分析了最新版总体规划中人口预测存在的问题,包括统计及计算口径不清晰、“刻意”提高城镇化率、预测人口规模偏大等主要问题,最后,针对性地提出解决思路与对策。 - 关键词:
城市总体规划;人口预测;城镇化率;实施评估;四川; - Abstract: In the "kidnapping" of land finance, the scale of population forecasting in urban master planning is generally large, and the effect of population size planning on the planning of the lower level city is evaluated. Of the provincial urban system planning on the urbanization rate forecast is generally low, and the preparation time and the next level of city general rule revision time cross, in the next level of urban general planning process, the provincial town system planning goals do not play a guide and the role of restraint. Then, based on the 17 prefecture-level cities in Sichuan province, this paper analyzes the problems of population forecasting in the latest edition of the overall planning, including the problems such as the lack of statistics and calculation of caliber, "deliberately" raising the urbanization rate, forecasting the population size. Finally, the proposed solution to the ideas and countermeasures.
- Key words: urban master plan; population forecast; the urbanization rate; implementing evaluation; Sichuan province
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