- 韧性城市
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)09-0008-10
- 中图分类号:TU984.1 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.09.002
- 作者简介:李彤玥,清华大学建筑学院博士生。
- 基于弹性理念的城市总体规划研究初探
- An Exploration of Comprehensive Planning Based on the Theory of Resilient Cities
- 浏览量:
- 李彤玥
- LI Tongyue
- 摘要:
近年来弹性城市理论和方法兴起。通过对国内外弹性城市空间规划和总体规划研究与实践的梳理,总结不足:一方面目前“弹性”概念在规划中的运用缺乏明确的定义方式,而是一种通用的涵盖性术语;另一方面缺乏系统地从弹性城市理论层面出发的规划框架构建。基于弹性城市“多元化与创新、自学习、自组织、冗余性、人力和社会资本” 等特征原则,初步构建弹性城市理念下的城市总体规划框架,尝试提出弹性城市发展目标、建设用地选择、土地利用和基础设施规划策略。 - 关键词:
弹性城市;空间规划;城市总体规划;规划框架; - Abstract: In recent years, the theory and method of resilient cities and resilient planning have become the research focus of urban studies and urban planning. This paper reviews the progress of resilient planning, especially the resilient spatial planning and resilient comprehensive planning, and finds that resilience is not used in an exact and defifined way, but more as a versatile (and seemingly fashionable) umbrella term. Based on refining the characteristics and building principles of resilient cities systematically which consist of diversification and innovation, self-learning, self-organization, redundancy, human and social capital, this paper does an exploration of framework of resilient comprehensive planning including the contents of the goal of urban development, direction of development of urban space, urban spatial structure, land use and infrastructure.
- Key words: resilient city; spatial planning; urban comprehensive planning; planning framework
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