- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)09-0065-07
- 中图分类号:F292 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.09.009
- 作者简介:杨志杰,重庆市规划设计研究院四川分院,工程师;
- 台湾社区治理中的“社区共同体”意识培育经验及借鉴——成都老旧居住区的社区治理反思
- Learning from the “Residential Community” Consciousness Training of Community Governance in Taiwan:Reflection on the Community Governance of Old Residential Cistrict of Chengdu
- 浏览量:
- 杨志杰 钟凌艳
- YANG Zhijie ZHONG Lingyan
- 摘要:
在中国经济高速发展与快速城市化的同时,城市居民要求参与社会事务和维护自身公共利益的呼声日益强烈。在此背景下,本文主要研究城市社区治理中“社区共同体”意识的重要作用及其培育方法。重点介绍我国台湾在社区营造过程中,培育“社区共同体”意识的三种主要手法:唤醒环保意识、唤醒教育意识和唤醒文化意识。并以成都老旧居住区改造为例,反思其社区治理实践中的优点和不足。通过学习台湾经验,探讨中国大陆构建开放与和谐社区的方法,以期唤醒社区人文精神的回归。 - 关键词:
社区治理;社区共同体;社区营造运动;城市老旧居住区; - Abstract: With the rapid development of urban economy and urbanization in China, the voice of urban residents to participate in social affairs and to maintain their own public interest is increasingly strong. This paper mainly studies the important role of “residential community” consciousness and its cultivation method. Taking Taiwan’s regional community building as an example, the paper introduces three main techniques of the constructions of the “residential community”: the consciousness of environmental protection, education consciousness and cultural consciousness. Through a case study on the transformation of Chengdu old residential district, the paper reflects on the advantages and disadvantages encountered in the community governance practice. By studying the experience of Taiwan, the paper tried to find methods of constructing open and harmonious community in mainland China.
- Key words: community governance; residential community; community building; the old urban residential district
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