- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2017)09-0107-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.09.015
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金资助项目:基于规划信息模型的数字规划设计方法研究(批准号:51308422)。
- 作者简介:牛强,博士,武汉大学城市设计学院城市规划系,副教授,主要研究方向:数字城市规划、GIS规划应用、计量规划模型;
- 生态瓶颈因子优先的城镇生态敏感区评价方法探索
- An Urban Ecological Sensitive Areas Assessment Method Giving Priority to Ecological Bottleneck Factors
- 浏览量:
- 牛强 李县 于立
- NIU Qiang LI Xian YU Li
- 摘要:
本文认为某些生态因子具有瓶颈特性,一旦它们的评价值超过敏感阈值,对应地段的生态敏感性就会急剧提高,而不论其他因子的评价结果,本文称这类因子为生态瓶颈因子。据此,本文根据变权理论,提出了生态瓶颈因子优先的变权综合评价模型和评价指标体系,它在综合多个因子评价结果过程中,对超过敏感阈值的瓶颈因子会动态增加其权重以保证这些敏感地段在最终评价结果中得以体现,从而反映出瓶颈因子的作用,同时又在一定程度上综合了其他生态因子的效果,评价结果更为合理。最后,以毗邻湖北网湖湿地省级自然保护区的陶港镇为例进行了实证研究。 - 关键词:
激励变权;瓶颈因子;生态敏感区;综合评价;指标体系; - Abstract: This paper regards that some ecological factors have “bottleneck effect”, once their evaluation value exceeds the threshold, the sensitivity of corresponding areas will be increased sharply regardless of the evaluation results of other factors. Such factors are referred to as “ecological bottleneck factors” in this paper. Therefore, according to the principle of variable weights, this article put forward a synthesis assessment model and index system giving priority to ecological bottleneck factors. The method will increase the weights of some bottleneck factors according to the weight changing function in synthesizing multiple factor assessments as long as their assessment values are at or above the threshold values, which can guarantee these eco-sensitive areas being embodied in the final result. This method not only highlights the effect of bottleneck factor, but also remains the comprehensive effect of multiple ecological factors, which makes the result of assessment more reasonable. Finally, the paper takes Taogang Town, which is next to Hubei Net Lake Wetland Reserve Areas, as an example to carry on the empirical research.
- Key words: promotional variable weights; bottleneck factors; ecological sensitive area; synthesis assessment; index system
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