- 遗产保护与城市更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)01-0044-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.01.006
- 项目基金:2017年度国家社科基金西部项目“时空观视角下的汉长安城遗址保护与民生发展协同性研究”(17XKG005)。
- 作者简介:陈稳亮(1979-),长安大学建筑学院城乡规划系副教授,研究方向为文化遗产保护规划;
- 基于民生需求的米脂窑洞古城保护与利用研究
- Protection and Utilization Research of Mizhi Cave Ancient City: Based on the Needs of the People's Livelihood
- 浏览量:
- 陈稳亮 季佳慧 周飞
- CHEN Wenliang JI Jiahui ZHOU Fei
- 摘要:
正视历史城镇的区域复杂特性,尊重城镇居民社会、经济、环境等多元需求业已成为当下文化遗产保护领域的一个前沿性论题。以米脂窑洞古城为例,对古城的民生问题现状进行调查并初步建构了米脂古城的民生需求结构系统。在此基础上,结合参与《米脂窑洞古城保护规划》实践中对于民生需求的规划可控因素分析,对古城民生需求的类型、内容与特征进行归纳,并据此展开了以民生需求为导向的米脂古城保护与利用策略研究。 - 关键词:
民生需求;古城保护与利用;米脂窑洞古城; - Abstract: Facing the complex regional characteristics of historical towns and cities, respecting the diverse needs of urban residents in society, economy and environment has become a cutting-edge topic in the field of cultural heritage protection at present. With Mizhi cave ancient city as an example, this paper investigates the status quo of people's livelihood in the ancient city and constructs the livelihood demand structure system. On this basis, combined with the planning controllable factors in the practice of “Mizhi Cave Ancient City Protection Plan”, this paper summarizes the types, contents and features of the ancient people's livelihood needs, and then takes the people's livelihood demand as the guidance study on the protection and utilization strategy of Mizhi cave ancient city.
- Key words: livelihood needs; protection and utilization of ancient city; Mizhi cave ancient city
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