- 城市管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)01-0099-08
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.01.013
- 项目基金:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助,项目编号:090214380012。
- 作者简介:尹秋怡,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,硕士研究生;
- 面向社区防灾的社区治理体系整合策略研究
- Study on the Systematic Integration of Community Disaster Preparedness and Community Governance Based on Synergistic Multi-Agen
- 浏览量:
- 尹秋怡 甄峰 闫欣
- YIN Qiuyi ZHEN Feng YAN Xin
- 摘要:
近年来灾害事件的频发加速了我国防灾事业的发展,社区防灾是全社会防灾的基础和关键。我国社区防灾事业起步较晚,体系尚不成熟,国内外也鲜有从社区防灾与治理体系整合的创新角度而进行的相关研究,国际经验表明:依托社区治理多主体协同体系发展社区防灾,能够以较低的组织管理成本获得高效的防灾管理体系。因此本文从社区治理与社区防灾多主体体系整合出发,首先对比研究国内外社区防灾与治理整合的优秀案例,提炼其关键特征;其次通过分析我国在这两方面的本土化实践,发现我国社区防灾和治理体系缺乏多主体协同机制、脱离;最终结合国外成功经验与我国建设缺陷,提出了“体系共建、全民共识、经验共享、智慧共生”的四大整合策略,以期能够为我国社区治理与防灾多主体协同体系的实践发展提供建议。 - 关键词:
社区防灾;社区治理;多主体协同;体系整合; - Abstract: The hazards and disasters frequently happened during 21st century in China have accelerated the development of urban and rural disaster preparedness and mitigation based on the community disaster preparedness. The Chinese community disaster preparedness started relatively late and haven’t developed a sophisticated system, meanwhile, there is little existing research on how to integrate community disaster preparedness and community governance. However, the international experience has shown the advantage of this integration which will improve the effectiveness of community disaster preparedness with a relatively lower organization management cost. Therefore, this research, which is based on the synergistic multi-agent of the community disaster preparedness and community governance system, uses the method of empirical study to compare Chinese and international cases of integration of community disaster preparedness and community governance and identify the key elements on the first step. Then the related practice of China is analyzed and the separation of both without a collaborative system is found at the same time. Finally the systematic development suggestions are proposed, which are building up smart disaster preparedness systems together, and cultivating disaster preparing awareness and sharing related experiences to extend the multi-agent’s rights and obligations within the current community governance system and drive the intervention of professional disaster-resistant departments and agencies.
- Key words: community disaster preparedness; community governance; synergistic multi-agent; systematic integration
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