- 多视角下的城市空间布局及优化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)10-0052-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.10.007
- 作者简介:彭正洪,武汉大学城市设计学院,教授;
- 数据导引下的城市微型公共空间规划方法研究 ——以武汉市武昌区为例
- Research on Urban Micro Public Space Planning Method under the Guidance of Data :A Case Study of Wuchang District, Wuha
- 浏览量:
- 彭正洪 马啸宇 焦洪赞 陈伟
- PENG Zhenghong MA Xiaoyu JIAO Hongzan CHEN Wei
- 摘要:
我国正处于高速发展的时期,在土地资源紧缺的高密度城市中心区域,生态用地与生产用地的矛盾日益尖锐。城市微型公共空间由于面积小、选址灵活,既能缓解因加快城市化进程而导致大型公园绿地不足的影响,也能促进对城市中心区域街头空地资源甚至是边角废地的合理利用。针对城市微型公共空间规划中缺乏足够科学性的缺陷,本文提出数据导引下的城市微型公共空间规划。以武汉市武昌区为例,运用大数据的方法对手机位置数据进行处理得到人口分布的时空特征,采用两步移动搜寻法得到该区域居民对微型公共空间的需求情况,作为其选址的宏观依据,再通过“众规武汉”微信数据,作为公众需求意愿的修正,最后利用 CFD 数值模拟的方法对具体选址点进行适宜性分析,以之作为城市微型公共空间布局的科学依据。 - 关键词:
数据增强设计;手机位置数据;两步移动搜寻法;CFD数值模拟;微型公共空间; - Abstract: China is in a period of rapid development. In the center of high-density cities where land resources are scarce, the contradiction between ecological land and production land is becoming increasingly acute. Due to the small size and flexible site selection, the urban micro-public space can alleviate the impact of the lack of large-scale park green space due to the acceleration of urbanization, and also promote the rational use of street open space resources and even corner wasteland in urban central areas. In view of the lack of sufficient scientific defects in urban micro-public space planning, this paper proposes urban micro-public space planning under data guidance. Taking Wuchang district of Wuhan as an example, the method of big data is used to process the location data of mobile phones to obtain the spatial and temporal characteristics of population distribution. The two-step mobile search method is used to obtain the demand for micro-public space in the area. Based on the "Public Regulations Wuhan" WeChat data, as a revision of the public's willingness to demand, the CFD numerical simulation method is used to analyze the suitability of the specific site selection as the scientific basis for the urban micro-public space layout.
- Key words: Data Augmented Design; mobile location data; two-step mobile search method; CFD numerical simulation; micro-public space
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