- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)10-0123-08
- 中图分类号:U12;F290 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.10.017
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“跨江战略下滨江新区城镇用地扩展的时空异质性研究——以南昌红谷滩新区为例”(编号:41601125);江西省社会科学“十二五”规划项目“城市跨江下土地扩展的时空异质性及其管控对策研究——以南昌市为例”(编号:15GL37);江西师范大学研究生创新基金项目“城市大型交通设施对滨江新区住宅价格的影响研究——以南昌市为例”。
- 作者简介:王楠(1994-),男,江西师范大学城市建设学院硕士研究生,主要研究方向为房地产经济与土地利用;
- 城市跨江下重大交通设施对住宅价格影响的异质性 ——以南昌市滨江新城为例
- Research on Heterogeneity in Major Transportation Facilities Influence Housing Prices on the Background of City Trans-River Development: A Case Study of Riverside New Towns in Nanchang
- 浏览量:
- 王楠 吴巍 胡细英 陈江龙 赵晓杰
- WANG Nan WU Wei HU Xiying CHEN Jianglong ZHAO Xiaojie
- 摘要:
交通设施对房地产价格的影响是人文地理学、城市经济学研究的经典领域。由于江河的天然阻隔,重大交通设施对住宅价格空间分异的影响在滨江新城中更为凸显,分析其对住宅价格影响的空间异质性,可为优化滨江新城交通资源配置和调控房地产市场提供有益借鉴。以南昌市滨江新城为例,通过收集研究区各住宅小区均价数据,基于全局和局域回归模型,定量测度与分析跨江大桥、高铁站区、地铁站点对滨江新城住宅价格影响的空间分异特征。结果表明 :①局域地理加权回归模型相对于全局回归模型拟合效果更优,模型拟合优度提高 18.3%,综合两类模型结果,研究区住宅价格影响因素边际贡献由大到小依次为房龄、跨江大桥、高铁站区、容积率、地铁站点、绿化率 ;②跨江大桥在重大交通设施因素中对滨江新城住宅价格起主导作用,桥梁交通流量愈大增值效应愈强 ;③高铁站区对距离较远的滨江新城片区影响显著,而在高铁核心区影响力弱 ;④地铁站点密集对住宅价格溢价梯度大,反映购房者对地铁有较强偏好。 - 关键词:
跨江大桥;高铁站区;地铁站点;住宅价格;异质性;滨江新城; - Abstract: The impact of transportation facilities on real estate prices is a classic field of human geography and urban economics. Due to the natural barrier of river, the impact of major transport facilities on the spatial variation of housing prices is more prominent in riverside new towns, and the analysis of its spatial heterogeneity can provide a useful reference for optimizing the spatial structure of riverside new town and regulating the real estate market. Based on global regression and local regression model, this study analyzed the spatial variation feature of housing prices in riverside new town caused by river-spanning bridge, high-speed rail station and metro station. The results show that: (1) The local regression model is better than the global regression model that R2 increased by 18.3%, and combining the results of the two models, marginal effect of impact factors in research area were in the order of residential age > river-spanning bridge > high-speed rail station > plot ratio > metro station > green ratio. (2) As the major transportation facilities, river-spanning bridges play a leading role in the housing prices of riverside new town, the more traffic flow of bridge the greater of its increment effect. (3) The increment effect of high-speed rail station where away from the high-speed rail station is more significant and more influential than in station core area. (4) The dense area of metro stations has additive effect on housing prices, which means buyers have a strong preference for the metro.
- Key words: river-spanning bridge; high-speed rail station; metro station; housing prices; heterogeneity; riverside new town
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