- 多视角下的城市空间布局及优化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)10-0037-08
- 中图分类号:F204;K901 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.10.005
- 作者简介:倪前宽(1992-),男,上海师范大学硕士,研究方向:城市与区域发展,通信作者。
- 基于街区尺度的城市金融区识别及其空间布局特征 ——以上海为例
- Identification and Spatial Layout Characteristics of Urban Financial Districts: A Case Study of Sha
- 浏览量:
- 倪前宽
- NI Qiankuan
- 摘要:
利用上海金融产业兴趣点 (POI) 数据和城市路网数据构建一套基于街区尺度的城市金融活动区空间识别及等级划分的方法,即通过基本空间单元划分、金融活动量评估和自然断裂点划分功能等级三个基本步骤完成金融服务街区的空间识别和等级划分。以上海市绕城高速公路以内为研究区域,共识别出 274 个城市金融集聚街区,平均面积为 0.214km2。在此基础上,进一步对其金融活动等级进行划分并探讨不同等级和功能类型下金融街区空间格局特征,从分析结果来看 :①上海金融活动空间分布不均衡,总体呈现核心集聚由内而外逐级递减的趋势,其中内环内浦江两岸是金融活动的高值热点区 ;②金融街区等级数量由高到低呈金字塔型分布,高等级街区呈向心型分布,中等级金融街区广泛分布于外环以内的中心城区,低等级金融街区分布较为分散 ;③不同类型金融街区分布差异显著,有各自不同的分布特征。 - 关键词:
兴趣点;街区尺度;金融区;空间识别;布局特征; - Abstract: Based on the data of Shanghai financial industry and the data of urban road network, a method of spatial identification and hierarchical division of urban financial activity area based on block scale is constructed, which is divided into three categories: basic spatial unit division, financial activity assessment and natural fault point division. The basic steps to complete the spatial identification and classification of financial services. Consensus to identify 274 city financial gathering blocks located in Shanghai Ring Expressway within the average area of 0.214km2. On this basis, the financial activity level is further divided and the spatial pattern of financial district under different grades and functional types is discussed. The analysis indicates that the spatial distribution of financial activities in Shanghai is not balanced, and the overall concentration of the core agglomeration is decreasing from the inside to the outside. The number of financial districts is pyramid-shaped from high to low, and the high-ranking blocks are distributed in a centripetal manner. The middle-level financial districts are widely distributed in the central urban area within the outer ring. The distribution of low-grade financial blocks is scattered, and the distribution of different types of financial blocks is different with different distribution characteristics.
- Key words: POI; block scale; financial district; spatial identification; layout characteristics
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