- 防灾减灾
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)10-0087-08
- 中图分类号:TU992 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.10.012
- 作者简介:侯庆贺,福建农林大学艺术学院、园林学院合署风景园林学硕士,东南大学建筑学院在读博士,研究方向:景观水文与雨洪管理、景观生态规划、景观监测与模拟;
- 基于淹水潜势分析的滞洪公园设计与滞洪效益评估 ——以台北市大沟溪亲水公园为例
- The Design of Detention Park and its Benefit Evaluation Based on Inundation Potential Analysis: A Case of Taipei Dagou Creek Appreciation Park
- 浏览量:
- 侯庆贺 董翟 徐炜 董建文 林开泰
- HOU Qinghe DONG Di XU Wei DONG Jianwen LIN Kaitai
- 摘要:
淹水潜势分析作为城市雨洪管理非工程措施的一种,结合 GIS 可准确分析因河川水位上涨或暴雨宣泄不及时所造成淹水影响的空间分布,以指导城市土地利用规划、防洪排涝规划和场地规划与设计。通过不同层面的规划与管理途径,减小淹水潜势地区的土地开发强度,可避免因土地开发引起的径流量的增加以及下游地区洪峰的提前。以台北市大沟溪亲水公园为例,基于淹水潜势分析推估研究区域淹水空间分布及设计所需的滞洪量,探讨兼具滞洪沉沙及休闲游憩功能的滞洪公园设计要点,并评估其滞洪效益。结果表明 :大沟溪亲水公园经分析和整地排水设计后,可承载 25 年一遇、约 13.39 万 m3 上游洪水,可减少下游都市区淹水面积 7.28hm2。在极端降雨条件下,公园配合抽水机、溢流明渠等蓄滞洪设施可进一步减轻下游都市区及大湖公园防洪排涝的压力。 - 关键词:
淹水潜势分析;滞洪公园;滞洪效益;大沟溪亲水公园; - Abstract: Non-engineering measures for stormwater management, urban inundation potential analysis, long with applicable local geographical information system (GIS) data, as opposed to a manual method, can more accurately predict typical spatial distribution of flooding areas as the result of the raising of river and sea level and the excess discharge and runoff. Furthermore, the result of aforementioned flooding distribution analysis can be used by land use planners, landscape architects and designers, and project managers in site design considerations via various level methods of planning and management to reduce the developing intensity of potential inundating areas. As a result, the reduction can increase land development benefit by avoiding runoff process hazardous conditions in downstream areas. Based on this methodology, this paper looks at data from Taiwan’s Taipei City Water Resources Bureau and discusses the example of Taipei Dagou Creek Appreciation Park, estimates the spatial distribution of inundation and the flood detention volume of this design to evaluate the detention benefit for the adjacent and downstream areas, and ultimately discusses the detention park’s design points which have set up both detention and recreation function into consideration. The results of the study found that after appropriate grading and drainage design, the Dagou Creek Appreciation Park can withstand a 25-year recurrence peak flood rate, about 1339000 cms, and can reduce the flooding in the downstream urban area 7.28 hectares. In an extreme rainfall conditions, the way of design which can even further reduce the flood and drainage pressure of the downstream urban areas and the Great Lakes Park.
- Key words: inundation potential analysis; detention park; detention benefit; Dagou Creek Appreciation Park
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