- 多视角下的城市空间布局及优化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)10-0011-10
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.10.002
- 项目基金:本文为国家自然科学基金项目(51578276)资助成果。
- 作者简介:张逸群,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,博士研究生;
- 基于多源数据的城市空间流动特征识别及规划思考 ——以南京都市区为例
- Spatio-temporal Analysis of the Intra-urban Human Mobility Based on Multi-source Data: A Case Study of Nanjing Metropolitan Ar
- 浏览量:
- 张逸群 黄春晓 张京祥
- ZHANG Yiqun HUANG Chunxiao ZHANG Jingxiang
- 摘要:
城市研究的基础方法面临转型,传统研究中将社会看作固化的事物进行研究,而忽略其流动的本质属性,在新流动范式理论视角的构建上存在盲区,推动新方法的研究与应用是顺应时代需要的必然选择。本次研究选取南京都市区为实证对象,将基于手机信令、共享单车等多源时空数据的流空间分析方法应用于城市内部空间研究。研究发现,在城市层面,城市节点间的连接性取代物理距离,成为制约要素流动的关键因素 ;在社区层面,网络嵌入性不足是“边缘化”社区产生的原因。研究的政策意义是,在城市空间规划中,应重视对流动要素的管控,通过对约束的解除和优化,增加流动网络的网络密度,提高关键节点接入网络的能力,营造良好的流动空间秩序。 - 关键词:
流动空间;人类移动性;时空数据;数据驱动; - Abstract: The basic method of urban research is facing transformation,in traditional research, society is regarded as a monolithic whole, and its essence is neglected, which demonstrates a blind spot in the construction of the perspective of the new flow paradigm. For this purpose, the promotion of the research and application of new methods has become an inevitable choice to comply with the needs of the society. Based on mobile phone and shared bicycles data, the author has applied the spatial analysis methods to conduct the intra-urban research in the Nanjing Metropolitan Area. The study finds that: 1) On the urban scale, the connectivity between urban nodes replaces the physical distance and becomes a key factor restricting the flow of factors; 2) On the community scale, the lack of network embeddedness is the reason for the emergence of “marginalized” community. The policy implications of the study suggest that in the process of urban planning, greater emphasis should be placed on the control of the mobility of the factors, by increasing the network density and the network embeddedness of the key nodes, the new spatial order would be created in the mobile society.
- Key words: space of flow; human mobility; temporal and spatial data; data driven
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