- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)11-0107-04
- 中图分类号:X45 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.11.017
- 作者简介:许丹艳,女,硕士,南京市城市地下管线数字化管理中心,高级规划师,研究方向: 城市规划编制与管理、地下管线信息化建设与管理;
- 基于城市地下空间公共安全的管线 间距控制研究
- Research on the Underground Pipelines' Spacing Control Based on the Public Security of Urban Underground Space
- 浏览量:
- 许丹艳 刘颖 严建国
- XU Danyan LIU Ying YAN Jianguo
- 摘要:
城市地下空间的开发利用,对于集约利用城市土地、缓解城市人地矛盾具有重要的意义 ;但在 这一过程中,如何有效保障城市地下管线基础设施的合理布局和安全管理是关键的基础要求。 本文基于当前我国城市地下管线的现实发展,分析了地下管线安全管理面临的主要问题,在此 基础上,结合南京市对地下管线普查数据的深度利用实践,提出了地下管线安全间距监控的基 本方法,总结了地下管线碰撞的主要特征,最后,从加强各类管线管理的综合协调、完善相关 法规、加强管线建设管理和推进管线布局规划等方面提出了加强管线安全管理的主要建议。 - 关键词:
地下空间;地下管线;公共安全;间距控制;碰撞; - Abstract: Urban underground space's development and utilization have important value to intensive urban land use and alleviate the man-land confliction. During this process, how to insure the rational layout and security administration of underground pipelines is the fundamental demand. Based on the practical development of urban underground pipelines in China, this article analyzes the main problems faced by the security administration of underground pipelines. Then, combined with the deep utilization experience of underground pipelines general investigation data in Nanjing, the article put forward the basic methods of security spacing control for the underground pipelines, summarizes the main characteristics of underground pipelines' collision. Finally, the article also gives the relevant advice on underground pipelines' security administration from comprehensive coordination of different pipelines' administration, improvement of the corresponding laws and policies, strengthening the pipelines' construction administration and promoting the pipelines' layout planning.
- Key words: underground space; underground pipeline; public security; spacing control; collision
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