- 城市建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)12-0076-08
- 中图分类号:TU984;F290 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.12.011
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目(51808391);上海市浦江人才计划(17PJC084)。
- 作者简介:李凌月,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院城市规划系助理教授。
- 大事件与企业家城市空间重构 ——上海世博再认知
- Mega-Event and Entrepreneurial City Restructuring: A Case Study of Shanghai Expo
- 浏览量:
- 李凌月
- LI Lingyue
- 摘要:
大事件作为一种企业家城市空间创新策略正越来越受到中西方城市政策制定者的青睐。本文以 上海世博为案例,借助企业家城市空间创新策略框架,即引入新的城市空间以形成新的生产模 式并开拓新的消费市场,分析世博会影响下上海城市经济空间及社会空间重构过程。世博会不 仅是一项世界级的博览盛会,更是上海巩固其全球城市排位的重要举措。本文将其视作企业家 城市的全球城市化战略,发现其在上海后工业化转向和人口疏解中都扮演着重要的角色。与以 往企业家城市文献突出政企联盟或政府市场化运作不同,本文侧重分析城市政府本身在具体战 略实施中的职能。研究表明 :强政府力是转型背景下城市大型项目实施的重要保障,而大型事 件作为政府力的承载策略也因其国际盛会的标签催化了经济和社会空间的重组。 - 关键词:
企业家城市;空间重构;上海世博;城市政府;城市转型; - Abstract: Mega-events as innovative strategies transforming entrepreneurial city space are increasingly popular among policy makers in China and western countries. This research employs entrepreneurial city as the theoretical framework to examine how the Expo 2010 reshapes economic and social space in Shanghai to build new production mode and open new consumption market. The Expo 2010 is not only a world reputable fair but also a political tool to strengthen Shanghai’s position in world city hierarchy. This paper views it a glurbanization strategy in entrepreneurial city and identifies its role in Shanghai’s post-industrial turn and population decentralization. Different from previous literature which highlights government-enterprises coalition, this paper focuses on how the government plays a role in specific strategy implementation. This research indicates that omnipotent government guarantees the success of mega- events whereas the world reputed event catalysts economic and social restructuring of Shanghai.
- Key words: entrepreneurial city; spatial restructuring; Shanghai Expo; city government; urban transition
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