- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)02-0082-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.02.012
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金(51478105)。
- 作者简介:谭瑛(1975-),女,博士,东南大学建筑学院副教授,硕士生导师。
- 江南城市数字景观图谱的理论建构
- Theoretical Construction of Jiangnan Urban Digital Landscape Mapping
- 浏览量:
- 谭瑛
- TAN Ying
- 摘要:
江南地区城市发育历史悠久,经济文化底蕴丰厚,自然山水婉约秀丽,共同构成了完整的城市景观图谱。而作为当下中国人口最密集、经济水平最高的地区之一,江南城市景观在四十年的快速城镇化进程中受到极大冲击,亟需在数字化平台上建构系统完整的城市绿色景观形态保护与规划方法。本文针对江南城市的绿色景观环境信息,整合中国本土山水景观理论,在融合人居环境科学及地学信息图谱理论的基础上提出江南城市数字景观图谱理论的学术概念和基本框架,认为从尺度与层次、模块与要素、类型与维度的逻辑出发,江南城市绿色景观环境信息可以分为不同尺度层次下的三大模块 ( 自然环境信息、城市环境信息、人文环境信息 ),进而可分为六个关键图谱要素(势、网、界、域、位、形),与三种图谱类型 ( 征兆图谱、诊断图谱、实施图谱 ) 融贯综合,从而构成完整的江南城市数字景观图谱。 - 关键词:
江南;城市绿色景观形态;数字景观;景观规划;图谱理论; - Abstract: The long history, beautiful natural landscape, and economic and cultural background of cities in Jiangnan region constitute the integrated mapping of urban landscape. However, as one of the most populous and developed areas in China, the landscape pattern of Jiangnan region has been greatly impacted by the rapid urbanization over the past three decades. Therefore, it is urgent that a systematic and integrated approach of protection and planning of the landscape pattern shall be established on a digital platform. Based on the landscape and environment information of Jiangnan region and the traditional Chinese landscape theory, this paper proposes the academic concept and basic framework of urban digital landscape mapping of Jiangnan cities by integrating sciences of human settlements with geo-information mapping theory. By different logic standards, namely, scale and level, module and elements, and type and dimensions, Jiangnan urban landscape environment information can be categorized into three main modules at different scales and levels (natural environment information, city environmental information and human environment information), six key elements of mapping (topography, network, boundary, domain, location and form) and three types of mapping (omen mapping, diagnosis mapping and implementation mapping), which constitute a complete digital landscape mapping of Jiangnan cities.
- Key words: Jiangnan region; urban landscape pattern; digital landscape; landscape planning; mapping theory
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