- 城市雨洪管理前沿研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)02-0032-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.02.005
- 项目基金:河南省乡土植物园项目(30801046)。
- 作者简介:李一帆,河南农业大学林学院硕士研究生;
- 家家流水,户户园林 ——古洛阳都城理水智慧对海绵城市建设的启示
- F l ow i n g Wa t e r a n d G a r d e n s i n E a c h R e s i d e n c e : Enlightenment of River Governance in the Ancient Capital of Luoyang to the Sponge City Construct
- 浏览量:
- 李一帆 田国行
- LI Yifan TIAN Guohang
- 摘要:
通过梳理洛阳古代都城水系治理与水资源利用的相关文献,辨识出洛阳对雨洪资源有机调控的生态智慧,认为全面统筹城市空间的“家家流水,户户园林”思想是解决城市雨洪灾害的重要途径。并根据当代高密度人居环境城市现状,利用 GIS 平台划分流域,模拟水流路径。提出基于城市空间尺度与湿地生态系统的耦合关系,提升水系连接度,构建自然水系与城市管网相融合的生态排水界面,从而真正解决城市雨洪资源的合理分配,实现自然积存、自然渗透、自然净化的雨洪管理目的。 - 关键词:
洛阳都城;水系连接度;雨水管理;再分配;生态排水界面; - Abstract: By analyzing the literature of water governance and water resources utilization in the ancient capital of Luoyang, the paper identifies this city’s ecological wisdom of organic regulation of stormwater resources, and considers that the idea of “Flowing Water and Gardens in Each Residence” for the comprehensive planning of city space is an important approach to solve storm and flood disasters in urban areas. Considering the current situation of high-density living environment in cities, GIS platform is used to divide basins and simulate flow paths. This paper proposes the coupling of urban space scale with wetland ecosystem as a way of improving water system connectivity and build the ecological drainage interface which integrates the natural water system with urban pipe network so as to realize the reasonable distribution of stormwater and floodwater resources and achieve the purpose of stormwater management - natural accumulation, natural penetration and natural purification.
- Key words: ancient capital of Luoyang; water system connectivity; stormwater management; redistribution; ecological drainage interface
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