  • 交通
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)02-0095-06
  • 中图分类号:U12    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.02.014
  • 作者简介:金飘甜,武汉理工大学资源与环境工程学院; 梁友嘉,通信作者,武汉理工大学资源与环境工程学院,讲师,研究方向为生态系统评价与环境建模; 刘柳杉,武汉理工大学资源与环境工程学院。
  • 武汉市武昌区公共自行车需求热度分析及站点优化 ——基于签到数据的实证研究
  • Demand Analysis and Site Optimization of Public Bicycles in Wuchang District of Wuhan City: An Empirical Study Based on Sign-in Data
  • 浏览量:
  • 金飘甜 梁友嘉 刘柳杉
  • JIN Piaotian LIANG Youjia LIU Liushan
  • 摘要:
    机动车数量的快速增长影响了居民出行方式,零排放特点的公共自行车开始广泛用于机动公交系统和非机动交通间的接驳换乘。公共自行车网络需要大量自行车数量支持,且遍布市区的服务站点选址复杂,亟需发展面向公共自行车网络可持续经营的新评价方法和站点优化方法。本文提出了基于签到数据公共自行车需求热度分析及站点优化方法,并以武汉市武昌区为例开展实证研究,结果表明 :1)人们更愿意基于休闲娱乐为目的的公共自行车出行,有 49.43% 的居民表示愿意使用公共自行车去公共花园 ;2)武昌区新增 43 个站点可以较好地满足当前居民需求 ;3)本文提出的方法具有可移植性,可以开展类似研究区的对比研究。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: The rapid growth of the number of motor vehicles has affected the residents’ way of travel, and public bicycles featuring zero carbon emission began to be widely used to link motor vehicle transport system with non-motor vehicle transport. The public bicycle network requires a large number of bicycles, and the site selection of service stations across the city is complex. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop new evaluation methods and site optimization methods for sustainable management of public bicycle networks. In this paper, we propose the public bicycle demand analysis and service site optimization method based on sign-in data, and take Wuchang district of Wuhan as an example to conduct empirical research. The results reveal that: 1) people are more willing to travel by public bicycles for leisure and entertainment purposes, with 49.43% of the residents expressing their willingness to ride public bicycles to public parks; 2) 43 new sites in Wuchang district could better meet the current needs of residents with the support of public bicycles; 3) the method proposed herein is transplantable and can be used for comparative studies in similar areas.
  • Key words: public bicycle; degree of demand; site optimization; sign-in data
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