  • 城镇人口演变及其影响
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)03-0015-09
  • 中图分类号:C922    文献标识码:B
  • Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.03.003
  • 作者简介:任柯柯,上海社会科学院经济所,人口资源与环境经济学,硕士研究生,研究方向:城市化、城市人口核算。
  • 省会城市人口集聚对省域经济增长的影响 ——基于中国省级数据的实证检验
  • The Effect of Population Agglomeration in Capital City on Provincial Economic Growth: An Empirical Study Based on Chinese Provincial Data
  • 浏览量:
  • 任柯柯
  • REN Keke
  • 摘要:
    为探究各省会城市人口集聚是否存在、达到最优及其对该省(自治区)经济增长的影响,本文通过对我国26 个省份(自治区)1997-2013 年的省级面板数据的实证检验,研究发现:1)存在省会城市人口集聚的最优水平;2)随着省会城市人口集聚度的提高,对省域经济增长在计量上表现为先促进后抑制的作用;3)2013 年的数据显示,多个省会城市的人口集聚度远高于最优值,进一步的分析显示在最优水平附近的省会城市所在的省份会有一个经济、社会等发展水平较高的副中心城市。因此,各省(自治区)应该结合自身实际,积极培育副中心城市,分流省会城市人口,实现省域经济增长的双轮驱动,优化城镇体系布局。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: In order to explore if the population concentration of a capital city has reached the optimal level, which promotes a province's economic growth best, this paper analyzed how the population concentration of a capital city affects its province's economic development. Using the panel data of 26 provinces (and municipalities) from 1997 to 2013, the empirical results show that: 1) There is an optimum value about population concentration of a capital city; 2) With the increase of population concentration in the provincial capitals, the measurement of provincial economic growth has the effect of first promoting post-suppression; 3) Lots of provincial capital cities (autonomous regions) seriously exceeds the optimal population concentration, which has an adverse impact on the economic growth of the province. This paper recommends that such provinces should actively support the development of sub-center urban cities to relieve the population agglomeration pressure in their capital cities. Also, this paper believes that the switch from one capital city oriented to the dual-engine development mode of a province will be beneficial to its sustainable economic growth and urban system.
  • Key words: provincial capital cities; urban population concentration; sub-center; economic growth
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