- 城镇化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)03-0117-06
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.03.017
- 作者简介:孙璐(1988-),女,武汉大学城市设计学院,博士研究生,研究方向:城乡规划与设计、可持续发展的人居环境场所与景观营造;
- 个体城镇化行为的行动逻辑与基本诉求 ——基于黄冈市罗田县匡河镇村庄的实证研究
- Action Logic and Basic Appeals of Urbanization Behavior of Individuals: Empirical Study of Villages in Kuanghe Town, Luotian County, Huanggang City
- 浏览量:
- 孙璐 王江萍
- SUN Lu WANG Jiangping
- 摘要:
通过分析个体城镇化的行动逻辑起点及其生成的过程,得出个体主要是通过“成本—收益”分析及可预期的收益做出城镇化决策。认为个体进行城镇化实践的三大基本诉求为就业生存、社会保障和身份认同,从而进一步提出更为实际的城镇化发展思考,即依靠市场和经济规律来调节个体行动,充分保障个体利益,整合、平衡多方利益。并以黄冈市罗田县匡河镇27 个村庄为实证,进一步印证个体城镇化的行动策略、行为方式及其空间表征。总结得出唯有深入把握每个个体的行为动机和特征,才能深刻认知城镇化的内生规律。 - 关键词:
微观个体;“成本—收益”;利益最大化;人的城镇化; - Abstract: By analyzing the starting point of the action logic of individual urbanization behavior and its formation process, this paper concludes that the individuals make urbanization decisions mainly through the “cost-benefit” analysis and predictable returns. It believes that the three basic appeals of individual urbanization practice are employment, social security and identity recognition, and thus further proposes more practical thinking on the development of urbanization, namely, relying on the market and economic rules to regulate individual actions and fully protecting the interests of individuals and balance benefits of multiple parties. Based on the empirical study of 27 villages in Kuanghe town, Luotian county, Huanggang city, this paper further confirms the action strategy, manner of behavior and spatial representation of individual urbanization. If finally concludes that only in-depth grasp of the motives and characteristics of each individual that the endogenous law of urbanization could be deeply appreciated.
- Key words: micro individual; “cost-benefit”; benefit maximization; “urbanization of the people”
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