- 城镇人口演变及其影响
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)03-0024-07
- 中图分类号:C922 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.03.004
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目:北方传统农区乡村绿色人居单元空间与技术一体化模式研究(51378301);山东省自然科学基金重点项目(ZR2013EEM014)。
- 作者简介:陈有川,山东建筑大学建筑城规学院,山东省绿色建筑协同创新中心,副院长,博士,教授,博士研究生导师;
- 基于乡镇地域单元的村庄人口空心化研究 ——以山东省六个乡镇为例
- The Study of Rural Hollowing in Shandong Based on the Township Geographical Unit: A Case Study of Six Villages in Shandong
- 浏览量:
- 陈有川 李鹏 马璇 杨婉婷
- CHEN Youchuan LI Peng MA Xuan YANG Wanting
- 摘要:
人口空心化村庄的空间分布特征及村庄人口空心化率的影响因素研究对优化村庄体系布局十分重要。本文基于山东省六个乡镇的调研数据,在GIS 平台上采用泰森多边形、标准差椭圆及道路缓冲区对乡镇人口空心化村庄的分布进行分析,发现人口空心化村庄分布相对有规律,为连片实施差异化村庄发展政策奠定了基础;运用线性回归分析村庄人口空心化率影响因素,发现仅有距省道、县道距离和公共服务设施水平的影响较为明显,这与现行村庄发展前景评价、保留村庄选择中通常考量的因素差异很大。 - 关键词:
村庄人口空心化;人口空心化率;集聚程度;集聚方向;乡镇地域单元; - Abstract: The research on the spatial distribution characteristics of hollow population villages and the influencing factors of the hollowing rate of village population is very important to optimize the village system layout. Based on the survey data of six townships in Shandong province, this paper analyzed the distribution of hollow villages in township population by using the thiessen polygons, standard deviation ellipse and road buffer on the GIS platform and found that the distribution of population hollow-out villages was relatively regular. The implementation of the policy of differentiated village development laid the foundation for the use of linear regression analysis of the impact of the village population hollowing out the rate found only from the provincial and county distance and public service facilities more obvious impact on the level of the existing village development prospects evaluation, the factors commonly considered in reserving village options vary widely.
- Key words: village rural hollowing;the rate of rural hollowing;agglomeration degree;agglomeration direction;village and towns geographic unit
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