- 历史保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)03-0043-09
- 中图分类号:K928 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.03.007
- 作者简介:陆涵(1985-),女,东南大学建筑学院,博士生;
- 南京下关商埠的兴起与发展刍议(1840-1926)
- Discussion of the Rise and Development of Hsia-kuan Commercial Area in Nanjing(1840-1926)
- 浏览量:
- 陆涵 段进
- LU Han DUAN Jin
- 摘要:
第一次鸦片战争后国内局势动荡不安,南京接连遭受兵燹,城市建设和发展一度停滞,城市面貌破败不堪。在这种惨淡的大环境下,下关却从原来城外的荒滩野埂一跃发展成为了南京的另一个繁华地带。这种“突变”看似偶然,却是特定历史环境下的必然。本文将从历史研究的角度,对下关商埠的兴起和发展分起步、繁盛和突破三个阶段进行梳理,内容涉及近代交通发端、码头航运兴衰、三次界址变更、四次计划制定以及在乱世中下关能够发展壮大的主要原因等。 - 关键词:
下关;开埠;江宁马路;商埠局; - Abstract: After being conquered by Taiping Army and Hunan Army one after another, Nanjing had become very down at heel at the end of Qing dynasty. Meanwhile, China was pushed in the dark of tangled warfare among warloads after Yuan’s death and subjected to the economic and aggression from Western Powers. However, in the situation of the decline of Nanjing, Hsia-kuan became only to the crowded area of Nanjing from the original arid area. It seemed to be an occasionally event cause, but actually an inevitable tendency of history. This paper, from the point of history, firstly will conclude and summarize the course of Hsia-kuan opening as a commercial port and its different versions of development planning, then introduce the built and development of Hsia-kuan which was distributed into three stages and find out the causes of this dramatic transformation.
- Key words: Hsia-kuan; open as a commercial port; Jiangning road; commercial port bureau
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