- 城镇化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)03-0104-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.03.015
- 项目基金:北京市社会科学基金重点项目(项目编号:14ZHA005)。
- 作者简介:姬琳(1977-),男,江西上饶人,江南大学设计学院讲师,清华大学美术学院博士生,研究方向为传统建筑营建技艺与环境可持续设计;
- 信江流域近代商业建筑立面样式与手法特征研究 ——以河口古镇为例
- The Characteristics of Modern Commercial Building Evolution in the Xinjiang River Watershed: A Case Study of Hekou
- 浏览量:
- 姬琳 周浩明
- JI Lin ZHOU Haoming
- 摘要:
通过对信江流域河口古镇的近代商业建筑样式进行测绘与分析,以建筑的立面形态为考察点,将其在西方建筑文化渗入的时代背景下发生的演化及发展出的类型梳理、归纳为五种建筑式样,即:传统阁楼式、楼廊式、门罩式、门楼式和骑楼式,并把这些形式演化、发展的手法总结为三大特征,以期为信江流域传统城镇在未来城市化发展的时代背景下如何保持城市形象的历史特征提供借鉴作用。 - 关键词:
信江流域;近代商业建筑;河口古镇; - Abstract: Through the investigation of architectural style about the modern commercial building elevations in Hekou town, five architecture styles were put forward, including traditional loft style, veranda style, door shelter style, gatehouse style and colonnade style, and three major features of architecture style evolution were summed. Based on those results, the article was expected to have some reference function for the traditional towns in Xinjiang river watershed to protect historical features in the future city development.
- Key words: Xinjiang river watershed; modern commercial building; Hekou town
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