- 城镇化
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)03-0123-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.03.018
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金(41101568)、国家自然科学基金项目(41771534)、重庆市自然科学基金项目(c s tcjjA00008)、国家社会科学基金重点项目(14A Z D124)和教育部人文社科研究规划基金项目(13YJA630120)。
- 作者简介:张星星,女,贵州省不动产登记中心,西南大学资源环境学院,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为城市地理学、不动产登记;
- ABM模型支持下的城市增长边界划定研究 ——以重庆为例
- Delineating Urban Growth Boundaries Using ABM Model: A Case of Chongqing
- 浏览量:
- 张星星 刘勇 岳文泽
- ZHANG Xingxing LIU Yong YUE Wenze
- 摘要:
研究目的:探讨UGB 划定的理念和方法。研究方法:以重庆为例,将基于智能体的模型(ABM)与UGB 划定相结合,整合生态控制刚性边界和城市增长弹性边界,在复杂山地环境下划定UGB。本文模拟4 种不同政府类型下的弹性UGBs 方案:即一般型政府(GG)、谨慎型政府(CG)、开发型政府(DG) 和放任型政府(MG)。研究结果:4 种方案下的UGBs 方案各有优劣,如CG 方案追求平稳发展,城市开发受规划控制较严,强调耕地保护目标和城市空间紧凑发展;G G 方案表现仅次于C G 方案;D G 方案更强调经济驱动和城市扩张,城市开发部分越过规划红线,致使城市紧凑度较低;M G 方案中对城市开发管制较少,出现了明显的蔓延趋势。研究结论:A B M 模型校正的像元吻合率达到82.92%,其模拟结果可作为弹性U G B s 划定的参照,但还需根据城市规划目标来调整,尤其是体现多中心组团式的总体格局。 - 关键词:
城市增长边界;基于智能体的模型;元胞自动机;山地城市; - Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to explore the methods of delineating UGBs in China. Taking Chongqing as a case, this paper attempted to integrate the simulation of ABM model and the delineation of UGB to explore the delineation of UGBs in complex mountainous setting. Particularly, this study combined the rigorous boundaries for the purpose of ecological protection and the elastic boundaries for providing new space for urban growth. Four scenarios were defined to simulate different types of local governments considering their preferences toward development and protection: i.e., general government (GG), cautious government (CG), developmental government (DG) and minimalist government (MG). The results indicated that four scenarios of UGBs had their respective advantages and shortcomings. Specifically, the scenarios of CG paid attention on the moderate speed of development, the compact urban form and the minimal loss of farmland, thus being consistent with the goals of planning permits. The scenarios of GG had good performances similar to that of CG. The scenario of DG focused on rapid urban development, thus not conforming to master plans and leading to outward growths. The scenario of MG was evident in sprawling, without rigorous zoning and regulations. However, it should be noted that the results of UGBs simulated by ABM should be adjusted and adapted to satisfy the goals of urban planning, such as polycentric urban development.
- Key words: urban growth boundary (UGB); agent-based model (ABM); cellular automata (CA); mountainous city
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