- 土地与房地产
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)04-0123-07
- 中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.04.017
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金项目“多目标多主体共生视角下农地城市流转决策与利益协调机制研究(71403083)”;湖北省教育厅人文社科一般项目“福利视角下武汉市住宅郊区化调控研究”(16Y003)。
- 作者简介:黄烈佳(1978-),湖北大学商学院,副教授,博士,研究方向为土地资源经济与土地伦理、房地产经济、城市发展;
- 住宅郊区化进程中居住福利及其差异测度 ——以武汉市为例
- Living Welfare and its Change Measurement in the Process of Residential Suburbanization: A Case Study of Wuhan
- 浏览量:
- 黄烈佳 代琳 宋彦
- HUANG Liejia DAI Lin SONG Yan
- 摘要:
为了避免发达国家与地区在其住宅郊区化过程中出现的不良后果,构建良好的居住环境,文章运用定性与定量相结合的方法,从福利的视角,探讨武汉市住宅郊区化进程中居住福利的组成要素,测度住宅郊区化发展过程中居民的居住福利,明确居民福利的差异,为政府进行住宅区域发展规划提供理论借鉴。研究得出 :(1)基础设施、自然环境、住宅品质与住宅价格是郊区化进程中居住福利的四大组成要素。其中商业配套的满意程度对基础设施贡献最大,空气质量的满意程度对自然环境的贡献最大,购房的首付款承受范围的满意程度对住宅价格的贡献最大,而居住的小区物业管理的满意程度对住宅品质影响最大 ;(2)基础设施、自然环境、住宅品质与住宅价格是郊区化进程中居住福利的四大主要组成。其中,自然环境的解释作用最强,其标准解释系数为 0.377,其次是住宅品质(0.343)和基础设施(0.264);住宅价格(0.255)的解释作用最弱 ;(3)在居民福利变化方面,郊区和城市中心区居住的差异性主要体现在基础设施、住宅价格以及居住环境这三个方面 ;(4)郊区较低的住宅价格,减轻了一部分中低收入人群的购房压力,增加了他们选择住宅区位的可行能力,即有利于增加居民的居住福利。 - 关键词:
居住福利;住宅郊区化;福利测度;因子分析;武汉市; - Abstract: Inorder to avoid undesirable consequences that haveoccurred in the process of residential suburbanization in the developed countries and areas, and to construct a friendly living environment, this paper utilizes the method combining qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis and adopts a welfare perspective to study the contributing factors and measurement of living welfare during the process of residential suburbanization in Wuhan, and thus specifies the variance in living welfare due to such process, with an aim of providing the government with theoretical reference on residential area planning. The study results reveal that: (1) Infrastructure, natural environment, housing quality and housing price are four major factors affecting the living welfare of inhabitants in the process of suburbanization. Specifically, the largest contributor to the infrastructure is the degree of satisfaction of business support facilities; The largest contributor to the natural environment is the satisfaction of air quality; The affordability of the down payment is the largest contributor to the satisfaction of housing prices; The largest influence on housing quality is the degree of satisfaction of property management services; (2) Among the foregoing four major factors affecting the living welfarein the process of residential suburbanization in Wuhan city, the natural environment is the strongest explanatory factor (its standard explanatory coefficient is 0.377), followed by the housing quality (0.343) and the infrastructure (0.264), and the weakest one is the housing prices (0.255); (3) The infrastructure, the housing prices, and the living environment are the three major factors contributing to the variance of living welfare between suburb and central district in the process of residential suburbanization; (4) Suburban lower housing prices ease the pressure of house purchase that the middle-income and low-income groups face, and increase their ability to choose the housing location, which is beneficial to the increase of living benefits.
- Key words: living welfare; residential suburbanization; welfare measurement; factor analysis; Wuhan city
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