- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)04-0066-07
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.04.010
- 作者简介:廖威,男,工学硕士,宁波市规划设计研究院规划二所所长、教授级高级规划师、国家注册规划师;
- 宁波城市商业网点定量化评估及时空特征分析
- Quantitative Assessment and Analysis of Space-Temporal Characteristics of Commercial Facilities in Ningb
- 浏览量:
- 廖威 胡颖异 杨茂印 刘鹏 严婧
- LIAO Wei HU Yingyi YANG Maoyin LIU Peng YAN Jingjing
- 摘要:
结合百度慧眼大数据、零售引力模型、荷夫模型等手段,对宁波城市商业网点和商业中心的时空特征进行定量化的评估。分析认为,目前宁波市商业网点主要表现为 :在数量上,存在急速井喷、局部过剩的危机 ;在空间布局上,呈现“单中心”化的格局,大型网点扎堆分布的情况严重 ;在服务效率上,多数商业中心效率偏低。以此为基础,提出了优化城市商业网点建设的发展策略,旨在为商业网点的布局调整及未来商业设施的政府引导提供参考。 - 关键词:
百度慧眼大数据;荷夫模型;商业网点;宁波; - Abstract: By using methods including Baidu Huiyan big data, Laws of Retail Gravity, and Huff model, this paper makes a quantitative assessment of the space-temporal characteristics of commercial facilities and commercial centers of Ningbo. It argues that present commercial facilities in Ningbo shows the following characters: as far as quantity is concerned, Ningbo is in the middle level of its comparative cities; in terms of spatial distribution, it presents a ‘monocentric’ pattern, and faces the problem of excessive convergence of large-scale commercial facilities; regarding service efficiency, most commercial centers have low efficiency. Based on these studies, this paper proposes strategies for optimizing city commercial facility development, and aims to provide references for adjustment of commercial facility arrangement and government guidance in the future.
- Key words: Baidu Huiyan big data; Huff model; commercial facilities; Ningbo
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