- 城市管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)04-0090-10
- 中图分类号:X32 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.04.013
- 项目基金:教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(13YJAZH116);江苏省高校优秀中青年教师和校长境外研修计划;2016年苏州市科协软课题。
- 作者简介:朱阳光,男,安徽合肥人,苏州科技大学硕士,研究方向为环境规划与管理;
- 基于博弈视角的邻避效应利益冲突分析
- Interest Conflict Analysis of Not in My Back Yard Effect: Perspective of Game Theory
- 浏览量:
- 朱阳光 杨洁 程媛媛 邹丽萍 乔萌
- ZHU Yangguang YANG Jie CHENG Yuanyuan ZOU Liping QIAO Mengmeng
- 摘要:
针对我国频繁发生邻避冲突事件的现状,从博弈论视角分析邻避效应的演化机理与成因根源,并提出相应规避机制。针对不同决策主体构建了三类邻避效应演化博弈模型,通过引入邻避因子 ∂mn、信息传播函数 λ( x ) 等参数,建立地方政府与邻避居民的一般化复制动态方程,深入分析了地方政府封闭决策期、协商谈判期以及设施兴建运营期时的邻避效应演化机理。分析得出 :邻避居民由于信息匮乏,导致风险损失预期值 K 增高,从而增强冲突演化进度与强度 ;规避邻避效应的关键节点在于避免邻避效应的利益冲突,其根源在于不同主体对邻避设施风险成本感知的巨大差异,以及由差异导致的应对策略和行为 ;邻避因子 ∂mn 值大大降低,驱使邻避居民风险偏好抗争收益大于风险抗议成本,形成冲突演化。最后基于合作博弈理论分析提出规避机制,只有博弈双方共同签订具有特定约束力行为的协议,才能充分避免邻避居民的利益受损,邻避效应才能得以最终规避。 - 关键词:
邻避效应;地方政府;邻避居民;演化博弈;邻避因子; - Abstract: Based on the current status of frequently occurred NIMBY incidents in China, the evolution mechanism and causes were analyzed by the game theory and the solving mechanism was recommended. Three kinds of evolutionary game model for different decision-makers were developed. The replicated dynamic equation between the local government and NIMBY residents were established using NIMBY factor ∂mn, information dissemination functions λ(x) and other parameters to analyze the evolutionary mechanism of NIMBY effect for three stages: closed decision period, negotiation period, and facilities’ construction and operation period. The conclusions were: (1) Due to limited information for the NIMBY residents, the expected value of risk loss K was increased, resulting in increased intensity and rate of progress of the conflict; (2) The key node to avoid NIMBY effect was its benefit conflict, which originated from the significant different risk perception on NIMBY facilities by various subjects, and the strategies and behaviors caused by these differences; (3) Because the NIMBY factor ∂mn was largely reduced, the residents’ benefits in risk preference of struggling were higher than risk protesting cost, and conflict was eventually formed; (4) The solving mechanisms were proposed based on the cooperative game theory. Only if specific agreement was signed between the local government and NIMBY residents, the benefits of NIMBY residents could be fully protected, and the NIMBY effect could be ultimately avoided.
- Key words: NIMBY events; local government; NIMBY residents; evolutionary game theory; NIMBY factor
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