- 区域
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)05-0072-08
- 中图分类号:[U-9] 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.05.010
- 作者简介:翟炜,清华大学建筑学院;
- 交通基础设施对区域经济协同影响 ——以京津冀地区为例
- Transportation Infrastructure’s Influences on Regional Coordinated Developmen: Take Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region for Example
- 浏览量:
- 翟炜 白雪音 石钰 夏静婧
- ZHAI Wei BAI Xueyin SHI Yu XIA Jingjing
- 摘要:
本文以区域交通基础设施为出发点,从要素和产品流动的角度研究其对区域经济一体化的影响。首先,以区域中生产要素的流动和产品流动为核心,探讨其对区域经济协同的研究思路。其次,以京津冀地区为例进行实证研究。结果显示,京津冀地区交通基础设施建设存在显著正溢出作用,且大城市空间溢出效应明显,但是计量模型结果表明京津冀制造业区位熵在未来存在拐点,呈现倒U 型特征;交通基础设施对京津冀地区各城市市场一体化有正面影响,但是对于人口高度集聚的特大城市的市场一体化与区域整体呈现割裂状态。 - 关键词:
交通基础设施;区域协同发展;京津冀地区; - Abstract: This paper undertakes analysis about economically coordinated development from the perspective of transportation infrastructure, based on regional industry differentiation, spatial interaction and market integration. Firstly, this paper establishes a theoretical framework according to two key elements, namely productive factor mobility and goods mobility. Next, this paper takes empirical research in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. The result shows this region’s transportation infrastructure contributes to the cities’ positive spillover effects and this situation is more distinct in mega-cities like Beijing and Tianjin. However, the regression model between location entropy and transportation implies that there would be turning point about industry when this region’s transportation level reaches a high level in the future. In addition, transportation infrastructure reveals positive influences on each city’s market integration while some mega-cities may pose opposite effects for the region’s integration.
- Key words: transportation infrastructure; regional synergy; Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region
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