- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)06-0044-07
- 中图分类号:F019.5 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.06.007
- 作者简介:李稷,硕士研究生,西安建筑科技大学建筑学院;
- 行为经济学视角下公众参与城市规划的动力机制优化
- Dynamic Mechanism Optimization of Public Participation in Urban Planning from the Perspective of Behavioral Economics
- 浏览量:
- 李稷 张沛
- 摘要:
本文在行为经济学视角下探讨公众参与的动力机制,寻求相关行为经济学的理论支撑,意在研究公众的非理性思维,进一步了解人们参与的真实需求和动力,从而加强参与的积极性和可能性。笔者基于互联网信息时代迅速发展的时代背景,通过提出构建互联网 + 参与社区网络信息共享平台,以行为经济学作为理论支持,保证公众更好的参与城市规划的工作过程中,推动城市规划工作的顺利进行和落实。 - 关键词:
行为经济学;公众参与动力机制;非理性思维;互联网+参与社区; - Abstract: This paper explores the dynamic mechanism of public participation from the perspective of behavioral economics and seeks theoretical support of relevant behavioral economics in order to study the irrational mindset of the public and thus better understand the real needs and motivations causing people's participation. In this way, new approaches to encourage and enhance participation may be discovered. Given the ongoing booming internet information age, the idea of constructing an Internet+ information sharing platform of participating community network, supported by behavioral economics, is proposed, ensuring better public participation in urban planning.
- Key words: behavioral economics; public participation motivation mechanism; irrational thinking; Internet+community participation
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