- 住宅价格及其影响因子探讨
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)06-0023-08
- 中图分类号:F293.3 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.06.004
- 项目基金:国家自然科学基金青年项目:地方政府土地配置结构失衡的机制分析和效应测度——基于房地产市场分化和工业企业TFP的考察(71603071);教育部人文社科基金青年项目:地方官员对土地资源配置的影响及治理研究(14YJC790144);全国统计科学研究项目(2014LY092):我国经济转型升级及其空间差异统计研究(统计局)。
- 作者简介:方琳(1981-),淮阴工学院数理学院,博士研究生,讲师,研究方向:资源环境与城市可持续发展;
- 基于典型大中型城市住房需求弹性的非对称性分析
- Research on Asymmetric Elasticity of Housing Demand with Representatively Large and Medium Cities
- 浏览量:
- 方琳 徐升艳 苏巨国 赵成柏 张庆海
- FANG Lin XU Shengyan SU Juguo ZHAO Chengbai ZHANG Qinghai
- 摘要:
本文依据全国 35 个大中型城市房地产市场供求结构的现状,基于面板数据聚类分析方法,将全体城市分成四大类,并以典型大中型城市 1994-2015 年数据为样本,采用基于自回归分布滞后模型的边限协整检验方法,对居民收入、房价、政策导向和人口净流入的住房需求弹性进行了估计。研究结果显示,对应于不同供求市场结构的大中型城市,住房需求各弹性存在明显的不对称性,这种不对称性既取决于各城市间的收入水平和人口净流入的差异,也取决于当地居民对房价的不同预期和政策导向的不对称性引导,而且仅靠政府的货币政策调控住房市场作用并不大,需要从提高收入水平和规划人口流动等方面进行多项调节才能保障住房市场稳定健康的发展。 - 关键词:
住房需求弹性;非对称性研究;面板数据聚类分析;边限协整检验; - Abstract: This paper aims at analyzing the asymmetric elasticity of housing demand between large and medium cities in China. Based on market supply and demand structure situation, it categorizes 35 large and medium-sized cities in China by clustering analysis for panel data. Taking several cities as representatives, this paper analyzes housing demand elasticity of income, housing price, policy guidance and population inflow, using ARDL bounds test approach with 1994-2015 data. The results show thathousing demand of different types of cities present significant asymmetry which depends on both the net income levels and population difference between cities. Italso depends on the different policy effect expectation. It is not enough to only rely on monetary policy. Government needs to plan migration policyto ensure that housing market develops steadily.
- Key words: housing demand elasticity; asymmetric research; clustering analysis for panel data; ARDL bounds test approach
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