- 住宅价格及其影响因子探讨
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)06-0002-07
- 中图分类号:F293.3 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.06.001
- 项目基金:国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国产业集群地图系统(CCM)建设与应用研究” (17ZDA055);国家自然科学基金项目“基于双边匹配理论的企业区位配置模型与区位市场设计”(71473008);国家自然科学基金重大项目“我国产业集聚演进与新动能培育发展研究” (71733001)。
- 作者简介:古恒宇,男,北京大学政府管理学院博士研究生,主要研究方向:城市区域分析与规划;
- 基于sDNA模型的路网形态对广州市住宅价格的影响研究
- A Study on the Influrence of Urban Road Network on the Housing Price in Guangzhou Based on sDNA Mod
- 浏览量:
- 古恒宇 孟鑫 沈体雁 陈慧灵 肖凡
- GU Hengyu MENG Xin SHEN Tiyan CHEN Huiling XIAO Fan
- 摘要:
住宅价格的研究是当今城市发展的重要议题,路网形态作为影响城市住宅价格的变量之一,在以往国内相关研究中较少被关注。本文基于改进后的空间句法(sD N A 模型),结合特征价格法及核密度估计等方法,在对区域路网形态分析的基础上,研究了路网形态对 2015 年广州市一手商品房价格的影响。文章发现 :① s D N A 模型作为新兴的高级空间分析模型,是对传统空间句法模型的补充和发展,具有较好的应用前景 ;②广州市路网形态呈现出“中心—边缘”特征,环城高速以内的区域是接近度和穿行度的前景网络核心,环城高速以外的大部分区域位于接近度和穿行度背景网络 ;③接近度与穿行度影响住宅价格时产生不同经济效应 :接近度与房价呈正相关关系,穿行度与房价呈负相关关系 ;④“车位配比”等变量对住宅价格产生一定影响,楼盘所属行政区对商品房售价产生的影响与区域路网形态特征相关。 - 关键词:
路网形态;住宅价格;sDNA模型;广州; - Abstract: The residence price is an essential issue in current urban development research. The urban road network is less concerned by domestic research in spite of playing an important role in housing price market. This paper which is based on the improved space syntax model (sDNA model), hedonic price and kernel density estimation method try to study how road network affect the new house price of Guangzhou city. The result shows four important conclusions.①As an advanced spatial analysis method, sDNA model is a complement and development to classical spatial analysis research and has a great application prospect;②The road network of Guangzhou city shows the edge-center characteristic which means the region within the highway around the city is foreground of Closeness and Betweenness. Besides, the most of the outside the beltway area are located in the foreground of Closeness and Betweenness; ③Closeness and Betweenness parameters produce different economic effects when affecting housing price. While housing prices are positively correlated in relation to Closeness and negatively correlated in relation to Betweenness; ④Factors such as “parking ratio” and “decoration” may affect the housing price, while the administrative region which the house belongs to show the similar characteristic compare with the road network in affecting house price.
- Key words: road network; housing price; sDNA model; Guangzhou
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