- 城市管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)06-0072-07
- 中图分类号:F291.1 文献标识码:A
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.06.011
- 项目基金:湖南省科技计划项目:基于互联网、WEBGIS、PPGIS技术的湖南省历史建筑、村落及街区保护信息云平台的开发及其应用研究(2016SK2011);中南林业科技大学校青年基金项目:基于数字技术的历史文化名城空间数据智慧管理(QJ201507)。
- 作者简介:何婧,博士,湖南大学建筑学院;
- 历史文化空间智慧治理框架的构建与应用
- Construction and Application of the Framework of Smart Governance for Historical Spac
- 浏览量:
- 何婧 周恺 周子乔
- HE Jing ZHOU Kai ZHOU Ziqiao
- 摘要:
本研究提出了一个协同式的历史文化空间智慧治理框架,希望利用相关信息技术的智慧介入,更好地开展历史文化空间的信息数据共享管理、智能决策支持、在线监管、公众参与及可视化展示工作。框架运用多样的信息技术、融汇多种相关基础数据、耦合多方参与主体,推动智慧治理在历史文化空间保护工作中应用普及,进而推进规划编制数字技术与城市治理主体的变革。最后,文章通过示例系统的介绍,讨论了框架的技术实现路径,及其在当前规划实践中的应用价值。 - 关键词:
智慧城市;智慧治理;历史文化空间;决策支持系统;公众参与; - Abstract: This research proposes a collaborative framework of intelligent governance of historical space, hoping to help the protection of the historical space carrying out some work more conveniently by the smart applying of information technology, such as intelligent sharing and management of history information, smart decision-making, heritage online supervision, public participation and supervision, and exhibition of heritage visualization. With the application of information technology, integrating multiple relevant basic data and coupling different participants, this framework promotes the popularity of intelligent governance in the historical space protection, and then it will help to develop the digital technology of urban planning and promote the reform of urban governance subject. At last, with the introduction of example system, the technical realization paths of this framework and its application value in present urban planning and practicing have been discussed.
- Key words: smart city; smart governance; historical space; decision support system; public participation
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