- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2018)06-0031-06
- 中图分类号:X322 文献标识码:B
- Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2018.06.005
- 项目基金:陕西省社会科学基金项目:绿色发展理念下陕西工业生态化治理中的多元参与机制研究(2017S039);西安工业生态化水平测评及发展策略研究(16J01);教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目:资源环境约束下我国产业结构合理化评价及调整政策研究(13YJA790070);陕西省十三五教育科学规划课题:基于区域产业结构调整的陕西地方高校专业结构优化研究(SGH17H070)。
- 作者简介:刘淑茹(1965-),女,西安建筑科技大学管理科学与工程博士,教授,研究方向为现代管理综合评价理论与方法、区域经济与管理、房地产经济信息分析;
- 西安市工业生态化水平测评研究
- Research on the Evaluation of Industry Eco-industrialization in Xi’an
- 浏览量:
- 刘淑茹 贺萍
- LIU Shuru HE Ping
- 摘要:
在严峻的资源与环境形势下,西安市的工业生态化转型已是刻不容缓。为明确其工业生态化发展现状与主要影响因素,将资源消耗(污染排放)对工业产值的弹性脱钩值作为动态指标,建立工业生态化评价指标体系,采用主成分分析法对西安市 2001—2015 年的工业生态化发展水平进行研究。研究表明 :工业烟粉尘去除率、工业企业利税总额、能源消耗情况与污染排放情况在主成分中有较大载荷,是影响工业生态化得分的主要因素 ;研究期内西安市的工业生态化主成分综合得分逐年上升,工业经济虽与资源消耗逐步实现脱钩,但并未与工业污染排放实现脱钩 ;进而在分析西安市工业生态化发展面临问题的基础上,分别从健全补偿政策、建立生态导向的发展规划体系、推动区域工业生态化转型等方面提出促进西安市工业生态化转型发展的对策建议。 - 关键词:
工业生态化评价;主成分载荷;主成分分析;动态指标; - Abstract: Under the severe situation of resources and the environment, the transformation of Xi'an's industrial ecology has become an urgent task. In order to clarify the status quo of industrial ecological development and its main influencing factors, the elastic decoupling value of resource consumption (pollution emission) to industrial output value is taken as a dynamic indicator, an industrial ecological evaluation index system is established, and principal component analysis method is applied to Xi'an 2001-2015. The year's industrial ecological development level is studied. The research shows that the removal rate of industrial smoke dust, total profits and taxes of industrial enterprises, energy consumption and pollution discharge have a larger load in the main components, which is the main factor affecting industrial eco-score. The comprehensive score of components has increased year by year. Although the industrial economy has gradually been decoupled from resource consumption, it has not been decoupled from industrial pollution emissions. On the basis of analyzing the problems faced by the development of industrial ecology in Xi'an, it has improved the compensation policies and established ecological orientation. The development planning system and the promotion of regional industrial ecological transformation have proposed countermeasures to promote the transformation and development of Xi'an's industrial ecology.
- Key words: evaluation of industry eco-industrialization; principal component loading; principal component analysis; dynamic index
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